What impact number of lines pci-e on performance in Iray

On my motherboard has two PCI-E slots. One 3.0 x16 and second 2.0 x16 physical (really it works on 2.0 x4 speed). Now I use the GTX 1070 as the main and GTX 760 as slave. I want to put a second GTX 1070. How the tire performance will affect the rendering time in Iray? Does that make sense?
Sorry for my bad English.
Sincerely.Thank you.
I asked this myself not so long ago. No pluging a 3.0 into a 2.0 will not impact much. However as far as I know Iray would be better with you using the 760 as you main card and use the 2X 1070 for rendering.
Usually I use the built-in graphics as a video adapter that is connected to the display.
which is normally an Intel Graphics Chip, not always but more often. Ok for just viewing but what about Daz Studio UI...it will use the onboard Graphics. Yes I know you select which cards are used for Iray Interactive mode but man you are mising out by not using your 760 as a main display card and just use the 1070s for rendering. What size Vram has the 1070 got?
In this post from the nVidia forums:
He ran a 980 in an extender that was connected via a 1x slot and reports no difference in render performance.
(That was a single PCIe 3.0 slot which is half the amount of your PCIe 2.0 x4.)
I have only 2 slots. After I install 2nd GTX 1070, I would like to use them only for render. 1070 GTX has 8GB of memory.
When using the Intel HD Graphics 4000 interface Daz3D works without any problems and freezing :-)
Thank you!
I was gutted to find out I only had one slot and that my MB was so small I had to opt for a 730 single slot thick 4 GB Vram and only a punny 96 cuda cores. But hey it has made a big improvement overall so I am happy. With prixat's help (and others) I am now saving up for a new MB. I have the PSU to handle things in the future. Man two 1070's 8GB...I am envious. ;)