Has anyone found a stable NVidia driver with latest 4.9 update?

Hey guys,
I am curious how everyone has been getting along with the latest nvidia drivers on the Daz update. As I discovered recently, a minimum driver version 372.00 is now required, which compells me to update from my legendary 362.00 (a very stable a fast driver) to a newer one. This has me curious, as every post-372 driver I've tried thus far results in stability issues---the same stability issues I used to get before I found 362---mainly, the GPUs regularly drop out without warning, switching over to CPU-only.
I would be curious to know if anyone has found a stable post-372 driver they are happy with--minimal crashes hopefully... Please also note your GPU model.
Thanks guys,
Post edited by PA_ThePhilosopher on
372.90 has been stable for me. Win 7 64 bit, GTX 980ti. Studio
375.95 has been fine for me, with Win 7, 64-bit, using Pascal cards
I've had no problem with 378.49 so far. (Windows 10, 64 bit, GTX 980Ti)
372.90 seems to be good
Ok thanks for the suggestions thus far. I will give those drivers a try and see if my Kepler cards will be stable on them.
378.49 crashes regularly for me mid-render. GTX 770M
> nvoglv64.dll!000000005faad778() Unknown