Making Geograft, subd pulling away from graft

Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

Finally worked out most of the kinks, got a 'ball on the end of your arm' geograft. Great!

But the second I Subdivide the figure, the vertices of the arm and the geograft pull away from one another.

Any suggestions?

(there's no displacement on any of the shaders)


Ball geo base.png
1080 x 1080 - 1M
Ball geo subd.png
1080 x 1080 - 1M
Post edited by Oso3D on


  • If you are having an actual gap between the two objects - it might be the geograft points not being perfectly aligned with each other on the edges they connect.

    If that is not the case - perhaps you need padding on the textures, cause that black color seems like it's taking a bit of the texture more than it should... 

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

    There's a gap only when subdivided, which is my confusion.

  • That means the points aren't precisely aligned and so aren't welding. How did you extract the ring of vertices to make the join, and what scale factors were you using for import/export?

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

    I exported a Genesis figure with Base resolution and no morphs. Imported it into Carrara, I then selected everything except part of the wrist and deleted it, then welded that to a sphere.

    Exported that from Carrara with 'morph target' scale presets.

    It looks all matched up, go through the usual steps. As long as I'm in Base resolution, everything looks fine.



  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

    I just recreated my steps but this time used two rings of polygons, thinking maybe it needs more 'padding' to adjust. Nope, same thing.


  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

    I did everything within Daz this time.

    Genesis figure, zeroed out Resolution (Base, Subd0 just to be sure), dialed Base Male to 0.

    Deleted everything but the right hand and part of the forearm. Exported as obj.

    Genesis figure again, same as before, imported forearm/hand. Transfer object, used default settings. Everything looks good.

    Set graft attach and auto hide stuff. Looks good. Save as figure/prop asset.

    Ok, same figure again, apply graft (which is just... the regular right hand). Looks good. If I hide the graft, sure enough, hand is missing, everything looks lined up.

    Set resolution to High Resolution.

    Graft separates from figure.


    I wut.


  • how are you setting the weld groups?

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

    Geometry editor, select ring of poly at base, assign as graft. Select hand on figure, set as autohide.

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

    Your question got me thinking. Duh. Duh duh duh. Man, I hate not having documentation.

    Yes, I for some reason thought the 'grafting faces' was set on the geograft, not on the underlying figure. I got it fixed, thank you. ;)


  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

    And now something else isn't working.

    Nevermind, the lack of instructions is just too daunting.


  • I had that "gap" problem once too.

    I modified the geograft geometry with an external editor and back in DazStudio somehow the points were not aligned anymore.

    But whatever caused the problem I fixed it with the use of blender. There is an option to snap a point/vertex while draging.

    Here is how I made it:

    I've loaded the geograft geometry and the base figure OBJs into blender with the import option "keep vert order". In edit mode I've selected all of the geograft geometry and creaded a "vertex group" including all vertecies. This is to distinguish the geograft and the base figure later. In object mode I shift selected both the base figure and the geograft geometry and joined them together to a single object. Next in edit mode I've selected the "vertex group" of the geograft geometry, inverted the selection and hide the base figure. Then I've selected the outer edgeloop that should be the geograft connection of the geograft geometry and scaled it up a bit to make it easier to grab the vertices later. Now the tedious part - after unhiding all I've started to select some vertex of the geograft edgeloop and with the "snap to vertex" option on I've grabed, draged and snaped the vertices back to the base figure vertices one by one all the way around the geograft edgeloop. After this I've deleted the base figure geometry and exported the resulting geograft geometry as OBJ. Back in DazStudio I've used "update base geometry" on the geograft and it worked. Keep in mind to select the propper import/export options for scaling and "keep vert order" so the point order dosnt get messed up.

    Good Luck

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