Every Install Item Got Lost from my Install of Daz Studio

So, this happened. This morning when I booted up DS, every Installed Item got lost from my Install of Daz Studio. I'm not gonna lie. This one hurt! So many custom characters and scenes. I also noted that a bunch of icons on this machine are now no longer showing up so perhaps the cause is extraneous to DS. Has anyone else ran into this?


  • GreybroGreybro Posts: 2,506

    Windows got confused on Drive letters so....problem solved.

  • Yeah, whenever something like this happens then always remember 2 things.. First that there is a physical content library and a virtual one through the CMS (referring to the smart contents pane). So if that suddenly stops working (it's empty) then this doesn't automatically mean that you also lost your physical library.

    Second, related but, even in the event where you did lose something then chances are high that it can always be imported again. It's definitely advicable to export your user data every once in a while so that you can re-import it if something goes bad (right click on the Content library tab, select the "Content DB maintenance" option and from there use the 'Export user data' option).

    I realize it was a small hiccup on your end, but even so: a backup never hurts.


  • MJWMJW Posts: 539

    @ShelLuser: 'Second, related but, even in the event where you did lose something then chances are high that it can always be imported again.'

    I recently had to do this for various reasons. It took well over a week of constant downloads (allowing for occasional falls in connection). Not something I want to do again.

    @Greybro, I occasionally have a Contents pane lacking such things as Products. It is usually because the CMS has not started - but fortunately it usually works when I ask. 

  • GreybroGreybro Posts: 2,506

    That's good advice and smart checklist. I shall remember it if this occurs again.

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