Geograft transfer utility crash?

So I'm attempting a rather simple geograft, a ball on the end of someone's wrist.
I've done all the steps fairly decently. I have a bit of forearm.
I'm going off of Sickleyield's video tutorial ( )
When I attempt to use the transfer utility, following her options... crash. 6 times in a row.
And, like a lot of delightful Daz crashes, no information to suggest why.
Has anyone successfully done this with latest version of Studio? If so, any tips on something that might be going wrong?
Here's the object in question. Trying to get it to geograft onto a Genesis figure. It should work, I think!
This is Genesis (1)?
Needs the .dsf file - or the original OBJ.
(I left the figure out of the file because I'm not sure that's kosher and it's trivial to add the figure back in)
It neds the unrigged OBJ for your sphere or the .dsf file - the .duf file alone isn't enough to load it.
So how do I merge that with the rigged obj? And why is it moving the obj out of alignment when transferring? Sigh.
Using the raw obj, before and after transfer:
And is this behavior different between Genesis and Genesis2? (Or 3?)
I needed to work with Genesis with 'Base Male' dialed to 0. Whew.