Michael 5 - coming out?

This is a bit of trivia, but I just purchased the Michael 5 Pro Package and was surprised to see the "Scoopback Mini Dress" included in that package.
Is that an error? or is there something about Michael 5's character that is yet to "Come Out"?
:giggles: I take it you have not seen this thread yet? http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/13326/
But the dress was in that because it was a Genesis bundle as well as having M5 and since Gene can be male or female or whatever you want, well .... ;-)
That thread scares me :P
Heh, considering the things I've done to him when I only had M4 and Crossdresser, it also scares Snape. Poor thing is hiding in my runtime, whimpering and praying for a Dementor attack or another torture session with Lord Moldyshorts. Anything to avoid those corsets, heels and fancy lace knickers. Not that he wouldn't look good in them, but they're *pink*. :shudder:
kk - I now understand. I am not ungrateful for what was a surprise "bonus item" - but I will only use it where it is appropriate.
So - Michael's reputation remains untarnished - and thank you for helping me understand.
You, my friend, are seriously disturbed...don't you know the proper color to torture him with is fuchsia? Lucius likes pink too much...