Emissive plane(?) appearing in Iray preview when loading Epic Lensflares & Starburst [RESOLVED]

I don't know if anyone else is having this same problem, but it's got me stumped. I load the prop into my existing scene and set it up as per instructions, but when I go to preview the effect in Iray, what looks like a single-poly untextured emissive surface appears intersected with the geometry of the set.
It's always in the same position regardless of how I scale/move the ELFS container, and it's not there in the scene if I don't load the lensflare prop, but I can't seem to find a corresponding object or surface that could be causing this. I've gone through all the planes that ELFS adds and none of them match the position of this rogue plane.
I haven't done extensive testing to see if it's somehow a conflict with the set I'm using or something else in the scene, but it's rather odd.
Possibly worth noting is that I have two of the Epic Godrays props by the same artist in the scene, but otherwise there's nothing too remarkable there; Genesis 2 Male, an outfit, a few lights and a set.
I've never heard of this issue before. Would you mind taking a screenshot so I can get a better idea of what you are refering to?
Also, something to check is the log file. When you first load the the lens flare into the scene, go to Help>Troublshooting>View Log File and scroll down to the bottom to see what the last comments were... look for anything unusual, errors, etc.
Lastly, what version of DS are you on at the moment?
Hi there,
My computer isn't great but hopefully you can make out what I'm talking about from a few minutes in Iray preview. You can clearly see the emissive plane I'm talking about at the top right. (Image attached.)
I'm presently trying to go through all the planes that come with the lens flares, turning them all off and turning them back on again one by one, but as there's about 25 it's going to take some time.
There don't appear to be any errors in the log file on loading the lens flare.
For your last question I'm on the latest release of DS, Pro.
Hopefully we can get to the bottom of this! It seems like a really neat product but at the moment I'm having a hard time getting it to work properly.
OK, after testing with each of the components on and off (switching 'visible in render'), I've determined that the following ones are the culprits. I've noted the ones that seem to contribute more than the others:
With all of these disabled the emissive plane (which turned out to be made of several parts) is gone, but the effect of the lens flare is significantly diminished.
I've checked the materials for these components and can see nothing obviously wrong, and the unwanted light is outside of the bounds of their surfaces and (as mentioned previously) none of them match the exact position. However I'm not enormously familiar with Iray materials settings yet so I could be overlooking something.
I have not yet tried the lensflare in another scene to determine if it's just this setup that's having problems, but I'll get to that soon.
Hopefully this extra information will help in some way.
Updated to add: I tried the lens flare in another scene that I'd already set up. This time I got an unwanted plane again, but rather than being emissive it was black, and right over the character. Screenshot attached for reference.
I think I might know what the problem is. Those planes that appear bright white should have textures on them, but for some reason, the textures didn't load. Thus instead of emitting the lens flare like they are supposed to, they emit a blank white canvas instead.
As for why the textures are not loading, I am not sure about this. I'd be curious if others are getting this issue as well, or if it is just something to do with your particular setup. Let me look into this further and get back to you.
In the mean time, you can get around this by loading the textures manually (into the Base color, Emission Color, Luminance, and Cutout Opacity channels).
Thanks for getting back to me. I could not see anything wrong with the textures in the surfaces tab, but I may have been overlooking something as I'm not all that familiar with how Iray materials work. Having those planes turned on does display the appropriate component of the lens flare, but also has the erroneous light (or black bar in the case of the second scene).
I agree that it is probably a texture problem (possibly tiling/mapping) but I'm at a loss for how to fix it. I will do some more testing and see if there's anything further I can determine.
Check out the screenshot I attached, where I circled the surface properties. When you select the problematic plane, you should see a similar surface properties for it. My hunch is that those texture maps are not loading.
If you can take a screenshot just like the one below----except, be sure to highlight to problematic plane first---that would be helpful.
I've attached a screenshot as requested. It looks to me like the textures are OK, but in Iray preview the unwanted plane still appears.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the lens flare but the problem still persists.
I tried loading the lens flare in an otherwise empty scene, and the problem doesn't seem to show up there, so I'm at a loss as to what's causing the issue.
Just to confirm, if you create a new blank scene and load the lens flare into the empty scene, you don't get this issue, correct?
So this means something in your scene is interfering with it somehow.... I would suggest that you remove objects from your scene one-by-one and check each time to see if you're still getting the trouble. By process of elimination, you will eventually get to the root cause.
Keep me posted on this, as I would like to know what you find.
That's right. However, the issue occurs (although it manifests slightly differently) in two different scenes that have only the use of Genesis 2 Male in common, everything else is completely different. Not sure if you saw the other scene I posted but in that one instead of an emissive plane, a black bar appeared. In both cases it made the lens flare pretty much unusable.
I will try in more scenes to see if it keeps occuring. But when the only common factor is G2M, it suggests there's either a problem where the lens flare somehow interferes with that figure (which would present a major issue as I use it regularly), or some undetermined issue with the lens flare prop itself.
Updated to add: Happens inconsistently with other scenes too, regardless of content or the figure(s) in the scene. I'm running out of patience trying to find the cause of this.