Help with some stuff

Hello all, has been awhile since I have came here..and wow stuff has changed!
First off I downloaded and installed the DS (beta) and well what is this "smart" content thing..which appears to do pretty much nothing. Can that be uninstalled?
Said something about typing in a keyword..but the first letter I type just delivers some red X
How do I stop that Start Learning Now.? . even though I have checked that do not show this again box like 20 times now.
Seems to run fairly smooth..but wow is it complicated.
Kinda paniced when I installed my V3 in it..yeah don't laugh I still use her a lot :P But found her in the Poser stuff. Guess if it aint Genesis it gets kicked over there
One other thing is glad Daz started naming the files instead of just numbers back in the day :)
Anyway will take awhile to learn DS all over again..but just getting beyond basic stuff would help
Oh by the way..will this expire..and I used my serial from my regular 4 that ok to do?
Thanks all
Smart Content uses the CMS (Content Management Server) which runs as a seperate process when windows boots up. It also uses MetaData which is supplied with all the newer items, but some of the older ones like V3 etc wont have it yet. It is an ongoing project for DAZ 3D.
If there is nothing at all showing up in Smart Content, then the CMS may not be running, check in the Task Manager to make sure.
The idea of SC, is that when say Genesis is selected, then all of the items, poses, materials etc, that can be applied to that figure will appear in the SC pane. It will work really well in time I'm sure, but I still use the Content Library pane which shows everything whether CMS is running or not. The search feture also relies on CMS, so it looks like yours may not be running. Go to Start > All Programs > DAZ 3D, and you should be able to start it from there.
All figures before Genesis were in Poser Format, so that is where you will find them. There is no difference to how it used to be, except that you have to select either DS or Poser Formats to see them.
The serial will be OK, and wont expire,
Thank you for the reply..good to know it wont expire..
I may be at it a long long time figuring it
I will check as you said about the "smart" thing :)
As for the opening pop up learn thing..I found out if I just fill in those finally shuts up
ok..I looked and it wasnt started as a service..the moment I tried starting an I left it off..and just went for the other sides ok doing that I guess
What OS are you using? The CMS is not installed seperately, you have to uninstall the CMS first, and then reinstall DS 4.5, and that will then put the new CMS in for you.
The search function, even in the Content Library pane, relies on the CMS, so it is worth having.