Daz Store no longer supports offline machines?

Just bought the great hiphop clothes, but now I noticed this is Daz Connect only. Ok, so I tried to install it on my offline PC via Daz Connect Offline package (I thought this would be the way for offline PC). But holy shit this does not work, because I have to connect the offline PC once with the Internet to get Connect Offline packages being installed. How should I do this on my business notebook, that is for security reasons without any Internet connection? So what is the purpose for Daz connect offline packages if you need an Internet connection once???
Daz store should not sell items that are only available if you have an online connection. DIM works great installing content on an offline PC, but offering content Connect only should be forbidden in the Daz Store. Ok, my humble opinion.
I'm not sure I understand the mechanics of the process you are describing. Personally I only connect to the DAZ3d website to use the shop and forums. I use DIM to install any items I buy but work in DS offline. I don't store anything in the "cloud".
Are you saying that there are certain items sold at DAZ3d that can only be used (note, used not just installed) if DS is directly connected to the internet?
"Are you saying that there are certain items sold at DAZ3d that can only be used (note, used not just installed) if DS is directly connected to the internet?"
That is not the case.
The offline packages allow you to install without a connection. You do need to have connected at least once to authenticate DS on the machine, however.
Please excuse my English, I guess you misunderstood me. All content I bought work fine on my offline PC. But now items are offered in the store that you no longer can download as zip-files, but only as Daz connect files. And these files can not be installed on a machine that has no Internet connection. So I cannot install content that is offered in the store on a machine that has no possibility to connect to the Internet. In other words there are item in the store that cannot be installed on notebooks without an Internet connection.
Yes Richard, I have to connect at least one time but I am not allowed to do this on my work pc. Installing via the zip - files never requested a connection.
well after a year they can ......
..........yeah I know
All I am asking for is to keep on offering the content as zip - files.
As 3digit says, items will be unencrypted and available through DIM after a year, and items thata re already available through DIM will continue to be available that way. We don't knoww hat proportion of new releases will be in encrypted only form for a year from release.