Coming soon - How to Create Complex Clothing Content (Commercial)

Digital Art LiveDigital Art Live Posts: 123
edited January 2017 in Daz PA Commercial Products




How would you like to discover the steps to design, model and rig complex outfits, such as long dresses or multi-layered outfits for DAZ Studio?

We have a new comprehensive course presented by Arki on exposing every step on how to do this. The course will be first broadcast as a series of live webinars and the HD recordings will be available in the DAZ store, most likely towards the end of March. At the five live sessions, you can learn a little faster, ask questions on the spot, go deeper on certain topics and have steps repeated if necessary. 

We're even working on a screenshot guide for those that prefer to learn in this way; again we'll make this available in the store.

In the images below, Arki shows her original design sketches and the final rigged and textured dress. You'll learn exactly how these garments (including jewelry accessories) are created, gaining a higher level of mastery for creating these kind of attractive outfits in DAZ Studio.

In this course we're using DAZ Studio Pro 4.9 and the modelling sofware Hexagon in the workflow. There will be five sessions, each planned to last 1.5 hours, though extra Q&A may extend the time.

Registration for the live webinars will include the HD recordings.




Session 1 : “Make your Dream Outfit Come True”

When : Saturday February 18th 20:00 GMT London/12:00 PST Los Angeles/15:00 EST New York

In the Beginning there was …, Part 1: Creating the rough shape
Refining the Shape, Part 1: Refining the outfit shape/dividing separate pieces
In the Beginning there was …, Part 2: Creating the rough shape of the jewelry
Refining the Shape, Part 2: Refining the shapes of the jewelry
Master Secret: A hint on how to build a dummy/low poly outfit template library as a timesaver for future projects

Session 2 : “Tame the Beast – Groundwork for Texturing”

When : Saturday March 4th 20:00 GMT London/12:00 PST Los Angeles/15:00 EST New York

The usual Suspects: Tris, n-gons and their associated problems
Material Zones a la Model: What are they and what can they do for you?
Four modes of mapping: Planar, box, cylindrical and spherical projection as examples for simple UV mapping models in UV Mapper Pro
Flattening for Winners: How UV Layout can work miracles on distortion free UV maps.
Master Secret: How material zones can help you with your UV maps

Session 3 : “From Solid to Articulated”

When : Saturday March 11th 20:00 GMT London/12:00 PST Los Angeles/15:00 EST New York

Rigging Magic: How to rig simple skintight models with a snap
Rigging Mastery: Smoothing and fixing weightmap issues
Rigging Acrobatics: Rigging a challenging outfit with extra bones and groups
Rigging Veteran: How templates can shorten your workflow
Master Secret: Short introduction to rigging templates and their possibilities

Session 4 : “How to add Quirks and Moves”

When : Saturday March 18th 20:00 GMT London/12:00 PST Los Angeles/15:00 EST New York

Adding the Final Touch: How to create FBMs
A Small Excursion: Talking about Weightmaps, Bones and Groups in DS
Tame your Bends: Adding JCMs to make your outfit respond to movement realistically
Joint Morph and Movement: Creating ERC in DS
Master Secret: How to create a seamless morph over multiple parts in ZBrush

Session 5 : “Adding that Splash of Colour”

When : Saturday March 25th 20:00 GMT London/12:00 PST Los Angeles/15:00 EST New York

Doing the Chores: Preparing a model for texturing
Pixel Nudging and Taming: 2D texturing in an image manipulation application
Dancing with Pixels: Preparing your 3D model for projection paint texturing
Smooth and Seamless: Eliminate texture seams in a 3d application vs texture seam hunting in a 2d app
Master Secret: Basic texturing tips: how to use your own resources to create simple materials or even tiling patterns






Post edited by Digital Art Live on


  • Ohh I would love to attend a webinar with Arki, just not sure it's in my budget this month, so I might have to wait for the recordings  to hit the store

  • Ohh I would love to attend a webinar with Arki, just not sure it's in my budget this month, so I might have to wait for the recordings  to hit the store

    Thanks for your interest Ferretmania in Arki's course - she's done some great presentations and has some excellent time saving tips and tricks in her workflow.

    For this webinar set we also have a split payment available, where you can gain access to the first two webinars and pay for webinars 3, 4 and 5 at a different stage. 

  • Yeah I have both of those released here in the Store and they're awesome . I really like her way of doing a presentation and teaching (I have all of Esha's too, awesome stuff). 

    I noticed the split payment on the website, that's really great and makes it a bit more within my reach this month..hopefully :) 

  • We're holding the reduced price (40% discount) until this Monday (13th February) and the course starts with the first live webinar on the 18th of February. HD recordings are included with registration.


  • Well, the sale pushed me over from "maybe" to "yes" and I purchased the whole course. 

    Very nice clear instructions on how Fuze works too - I can't tell you how many webinars I've watched where there were no instructions at all and everyone spent the first ten minutes going "why isn't my audio working?" laugh

  • MDO2010 said:

    Well, the sale pushed me over from "maybe" to "yes" and I purchased the whole course. 

    Very nice clear instructions on how Fuze works too - I can't tell you how many webinars I've watched where there were no instructions at all and everyone spent the first ten minutes going "why isn't my audio working?" laugh

    Hi MD02010 - thanks for your interest in this course. After looking at the course summary, let us know of any questions prior to the event and we'd be pleased to assist. 

  • I am looking forward to this.

    I only signed up for the first 2 courses though. Too many bills this month to afford to sign up for them all at once

  • Digital Art LiveDigital Art Live Posts: 123
    edited May 2017

    The complex clothing series has just been introduced to the store - selling now! 

    What's more we have a "bundle" option, where you can get the complete series at a good discount:-

    The Ultimate Guide to Creating Complex Outfits Bundle in Vendor, Arki,  3D Models by Daz 3D

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,256

    How long will the bundle be on sale?  DAZ refuses to post end dates to sales which I find quite annoying so I'll just ask at the source.  Thanks!

  • ArkiArki Posts: 199
    RAMWolff said:

    How long will the bundle be on sale?  DAZ refuses to post end dates to sales which I find quite annoying so I'll just ask at the source.  Thanks!

    A week - I think.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,256

    OK, thanks!

  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,191

    I really appreciate the index pdfs - these really help make the video tutorials into true references.

  • RAMWolff said:

    I really appreciate the index pdfs - these really help make the video tutorials into true references.

    Thanks for that comment. This is something we plan to include with each tutorial now.


  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,256

    Hahaha... wrong handle attached to that quote there!  But yes, thank you! 

  • Are these easy to follow for people not using Hex and Zbrush? I use Blender, but I do own hex so if it is really needed I guess I can use it

  • MarkIsSleepyMarkIsSleepy Posts: 1,496
    edited October 2017

    Are these easy to follow for people not using Hex and Zbrush? I use Blender, but I do own hex so if it is really needed I guess I can use it


    I attended the live sessions and I use Blender as my main modeler and was able to follow along without issue. Obviously some tools aren't called the same thing or work slightly differently but as long as you're pretty familiar with basic modeling in Blender you should have no issue.

    The only real difference is that with Hexagon you have the DAZ-Hexagon bridge and with Blender we have to export as OBJ and pay attention to make sure the scaling matches up. 

    Post edited by MarkIsSleepy on
  • MDO2010 said:

    Are these easy to follow for people not using Hex and Zbrush? I use Blender, but I do own hex so if it is really needed I guess I can use it


    I attended the live sessions and I use Blender as my main modeler and was able to follow along without issue. Obviously some tools aren't called the same thing or work slightly differently but as long as you're pretty familiar with basic modeling in Blender you should have no issue.

    The only real difference is that with Hexagon you have the DAZ-Hexagon bridge and with Blender we have to export as OBJ and pay attention to make sure the scaling matches up. 

    Thanks also have you ever taken "Complex Hair Creation" also by Arki and Digital art live? It also uses hex but I am guessing if thier clothing tutorials are easy enough to follow so is the hair 


  • MarkIsSleepyMarkIsSleepy Posts: 1,496
    edited October 2017

    Yep - I took that one too and was able to duplicate all the techniques in Blender without much difficulty. I did use a free addon I found online to do a perfect quad unwrap on a weirdly shaped mesh in order to follow one part, but I could probably have done the same thing just using follow active quads in the unwrap (or just used the unwrapping program Arki recommends in the course, but I subbornly wanted to do it all in Blender wink).

    Post edited by MarkIsSleepy on
  • MDO2010 said:

    Yep - I took that one too and was able to duplicate all the techniques in Blender without much difficulty. I did use a free addon I found online to do a perfect quad unwrap on a weirdly shaped mesh in order to follow one part, but I could probably have done the same thing just using follow active quads in the unwrap (or just used the unwrapping program Arki recommends in the course, but I subbornly wanted to do it all in Blender wink).

       Good I see both courses are on sale right now. Thinking of picking them up instead of all the hair/outfits that is currently sitting in my cart. I take it both courses save you a bit of money in the long run, once you figure out how to make your own stuff

  • MarkIsSleepyMarkIsSleepy Posts: 1,496
    edited October 2017


    Both courses are aimed at producing something "store ready," creating all the morphs and JCMs and so on. I haven't gone that far yet with anything, but I've used the techniques to make a few things for specific renders and in those cases I'd rather spend a few hours or a day making most of an outfit that perfectly suits what I need rather than spend $20+ and then have to retexture, edit and kitbash it.

    This was my first attempt at something besides just following along after taking the complex clothing course:

    It took me most of a weekend (I could do something this relatively simple in a couple hours now, after a couple months practice) but it perfectly fit the character it was for in a way nothing in the store would have.This one had some issues that I learned to avoid just by practicing the things in the course a few times. I've got a bunch of simple dresses I made during and after by just following along that only took an hour or two each to make and that probably would have been about $10 in the store.

    SP IRay Render CLAY.jpg
    4200 x 2000 - 2M
    Post edited by MarkIsSleepy on
  • nmargie_d65db43582nmargie_d65db43582 Posts: 156
    edited October 2017

    That looks great for a first attempt. Looks liek i will be buying the courses instead of the props

    Did you use Zbrush for that or blender scuplt?

    I do not look to sell anything. I use daz for game characters and such. The indie license is at a great price right now. So much is on sale


    Post edited by nmargie_d65db43582 on
  • MarkIsSleepyMarkIsSleepy Posts: 1,496

    I just used Blender. Most of it was just poly modeled except the bottom skirt that I did a cloth sim on and them a tiny amount of sculpting.

  • nmargie_d65db43582nmargie_d65db43582 Posts: 156
    edited October 2017

    Yeah I went ahead and picked up both her clothing bundle and creating hair courses. 198 for both courses, the daz indie license and 3 months of platnum plus was too hard to pass up 

    Post edited by nmargie_d65db43582 on
  • Death SeraphDeath Seraph Posts: 2
    edited August 2019

    I purchased this bundle and the complex hair bundle from the Daz3d site but I can't find out how to access the lessons. Is it in Daz3d or somewhere else?

    Edit: Nevermind, I found it.

    Post edited by Death Seraph on
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