Making props

How do I go about saving parts of a scene into their own prop file. IE. I have a model of a spaceship bridge that I want to save the different parts as props seperate from the full scene.
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How do I go about saving parts of a scene into their own prop file. IE. I have a model of a spaceship bridge that I want to save the different parts as props seperate from the full scene.
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Is the model already broken up in your scene? If so, you can save each part as a scene subset or figure if you don't want it to be dependent on the original obj/fbx. If it isn't broken up in your scene already, that should be done before import really.
There is Daz3D prop product called "Symphony for Reflections Vanity". In it, there is a 3 panel room divider with cloth material covering each panel. How can I change that material to a reflective mirror texture and thus make it into a 3-panel mirror? thxs in advance....
Are you using 3DL or Iray?