Does anyone know if the A3/H3 shapes for genesis include the original Aiko and Hiro Toon Head Morphs

Does anyone know if the original AIko/Hiro Toon head and neck morphs are a part of the Aiko 3 and Hiro 3 for Genesis package? I have done some work with these figures in the past and I like them --especially the really toony look and feel that they have. I do already have the Jasmine and Jason for Genesis, but to me they aren't quite the same as the original. I would hate to see them left out.
I have these items, and there are no morphs included with the package that I know of, sorry. They just morph Genesis into the A3/H3 shape, and any other work you would need to do yourself I think. You could transfer the morphs with GenX if you have the shapes though (I am almost certain)
They are not included. The A3 Toon and H3 Toon are not owned by DAZ.
There is an addon for GenX that will let you transfer Gen3 character morphs -
Before you buy you can always ask around if others have transfered the Toons and if they worked or looked good.