Carrara Community Movie Project Year 1 -- Story Ideas Welcomed



  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    mmoir said:
    I would not rely on Daz providing something, it will be much quicker to do it ourselves in my opinion.

    I think we all agree on this .
    So lets get to work :-)

  • mmoirmmoir Posts: 821
    edited December 1969

    Hey ,
    Here is the link to the "Box" I set up for the Carrara8Test Movie, you guys can see if you can navigate to the folders I set up and if you can upload stuff etc.


  • DBuchterDBuchter Posts: 70
    edited December 1969

    mmoir said:
    Hey ,
    Here is the link to the "Box" I set up for the Carrara8Test Movie, you guys can see if you can navigate to the folders I set up and if you can upload stuff etc.


    This link requires you to sign up for Box before viewing the link.

    Can you just attach an image?

  • mmoirmmoir Posts: 821
    edited January 2013

    It looks like you will have to sign up for a free "box" account to get access but that shouldn't be to big of a deal .

    dbuchter, I will see what I can do but I think everyone who wants to participate in this movie will be uploading and downloading files so they will have to sign up there. i will try and link to the storeyboard I did and see if it shows up here.

    Post edited by mmoir on
  • Rashad CarterRashad Carter Posts: 1,803
    edited December 1969

    Please cast your votes everyone. Although I am pretty much certain Going South is the most appropriate story line presented so far, I still think it wise to allow the community to vote. This especially in light of the fact that I originally promised to leave decision up to a vote. I suspect Going South will win by a landslide, but who knows?

    Voting is fun

  • mmoirmmoir Posts: 821
    edited January 2013

    Here is a test link to my storeyboard in my C8 Movie Box, hopefully this works.

    It looks like it works, you should be able to view this file without having to sign up for an account. The advantage of having several people with an account is we won't run out of room , with my single account we may run out of room . The limit is 5gb I think

    Post edited by mmoir on
  • Rashad CarterRashad Carter Posts: 1,803
    edited December 1969

    mmoir said:
    Here is a test link to my storeyboard in my C8 Movie Box, hopefully this works.

    It looks like it works, you should be able to view this file without having to sign up for an account. The advantage of having several people with an account is we won't run out of room , with my single account we may run out of room . The limit is 5gb I think

    Worked. I was able to view it just fine.

  • mmoirmmoir Posts: 821
    edited January 2013

    Hey guys,

    Here is a link to some animation styles done for cg talks Ten challenge.

    if the top link doesn't work try these 2 for the 2 different animations, the 3d stuff in the 2nd animation doesn't start until 30 seconds in.

    Post edited by mmoir on
  • 3dView3dView Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Rashad- I think having the vote is good for a community project. I posted on poll thread the hopes that people still participate even if its not their "favorite" storyline. All the help will be needed.

    MMoir nice little story board clip test...and I think that is a good idea in general to iron out workflow etc although would also be kind of nice to have it somewhat on theme with the ducks in some fashion. That way we learn issues from the test that would directly aid in the Movie assuming it will be the Going South duck movie.

    There is also the whole all Carrara made content issue vs Daz contents question and even the idea of human characters even if made in Carrara or not decision. These are obviously huge divergence of ideas . The general story right now is pretty void of humans but that can change as needed or not.

    We may be able to hybrid the ideas with certain scenes with Daz content and some with all Carrara made perhaps--just thinking aloud here.

    There is also the whole "look" or "style" question. For instance if its the duck story --will they be very cartoony ----or stylized as in if they are laying on a log in a pond will they be having a fruit drink in their hands or even more humanized a cell phone? Will they just have wings ? No hands? stuff like this. These kinds of issues have to be organized before the story can be detailed out or a screenplay could be created.

  • mmoirmmoir Posts: 821
    edited January 2013

    I thought of the first story that came to mind and making up stories is not my strong suit so the chances of me coming up with a story with ducks in it wasn't going to happen :cheese: I actually tried thinking of a duck related story and drew blanks.:lol: Anyways you probably could still use the assests like trees and the landscape path etc in the duck story pretty easily. If I remember correctly in the Duck story there are some people at the end that drive away in the 1/2 ton truck so we could use the human character there .

    I tend to think we shouldn't be using Daz content , we should give lots of opportunity for people to model stuff. We just have to get something out there for people to look at then more people will be wanting to help out .I think it all depends on how many people we get wanting to help if we use Daz content in my opinion

    Also, did you look at the 2 links to the animations I posted a couple of posts up in this thread. One mixes more realistic backgrounds with a more cartoony character which i think looks cool? I agree with you that the style has to be nailed down now sooner than later but I think it depends on the modeling strengths of the people who want to help. I tend to model things in a more realistic way but am open to a more stylized cartoony look . I don't think I would be good at coming up with a good "Cartoony" looking character though.

    Which look of the 2 animations I posted do you guys like best?

    3dView said:
    Rashad- I think having the vote is good for a community project. I posted on poll thread the hopes that people still participate even if its not their "favorite" storyline. All the help will be needed.

    MMoir nice little story board clip test...and I think that is a good idea in general to iron out workflow etc although would also be kind of nice to have it somewhat on theme with the ducks in some fashion. That way we learn issues from the test that would directly aid in the Movie assuming it will be the Going South duck movie.

    There is also the whole all Carrara made content issue vs Daz contents question and even the idea of human characters even if made in Carrara or not decision. These are obviously huge divergence of ideas . The general story right now is pretty void of humans but that can change as needed or not.

    We may be able to hybrid the ideas with certain scenes with Daz content and some with all Carrara made perhaps--just thinking aloud here.

    There is also the whole "look" or "style" question. For instance if its the duck story --will they be very cartoony ----or stylized as in if they are laying on a log in a pond will they be having a fruit drink in their hands or even more humanized a cell phone? Will they just have wings ? No hands? stuff like this. These kinds of issues have to be organized before the story can be detailed out or a screenplay could be created.

    Post edited by mmoir on
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    Mark Moir,
    You are a HERO!
    Glad to see you aboard. I owe you a lot from your great products and the great information that accompanies them.
    Just had to get that off my chest!

  • mmoirmmoir Posts: 821
    edited January 2013

    Thanks Dartanbeck,
    Actually , its Mike but thats okay.:-)

    I am glad you like the products i have done, it has been a while since I released anything . Been busy I guess.


    Mark Moir,
    You are a HERO!
    Glad to see you aboard. I owe you a lot from your great products and the great information that accompanies them.
    Just had to get that off my chest!
    Post edited by mmoir on
  • 3dView3dView Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I think I like the "dreams" one best for my likes. I think a kind of mix of cartoony and realistic might work best. Given that McGuiver has already made a couple of characters they seem to be pretty cool and a direction I would like to see. There is the whole how "humanized" are the characters ?
    -----as that would effect story and modeling.

    You are right as to the clip test having possible assets for the movie and no big deal either way . The clip test is more for workflow and logistics and talent pooling, mentoring, learning .


  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    mmoir said:

    Actually , its Mike but thats okay.:-)
    Sorry Mike!
    See how long it's been?
    Anyways, I have a policy with mmoir products since I bought the Gorge quite some time ago:
    You make it, I'll buy it!

    Aside from all that, I like what you've been bringing to this whole thing already. I'm really busy working on a few products which have been keeping Carrara time ALL of the time, which I love. Haven't checked back here for days, aside from a quick respond here and there.
    I'll get a box account too. Not sure if that'll boost the overall box size in GB or not, but if it helps, I'm in.

    Rashad, 3d view and the rest of you in here...
    Looking great! Nice to see the story poll up and ideas whizzing!

    Since it seems to be the popular vote to model everything in Carrara, I'll try and free up some time when I'm done with my current endeavors. I've been getting in some good practice with SubD in Carrara and would love to help make assets - time willing, of course!

  • mmoirmmoir Posts: 821
    edited December 1969

    Dartenbeck ,
    It is good to be busy but not too busy , have to have some fun.:cheese: Good luck with your products.

  • de3ande3an Posts: 915
    edited December 1969

    mmoir said:
    Which look of the 2 animations I posted do you guys like best?

    In my opinion, the second animation, titled "No.10Bus", showed a much higher level of artistic talent and animation skill.

    Although the story was a bit bizarre, it made me smile, and I watched it twice.

  • RoygeeRoygee Posts: 2,247
    edited December 1969

    I agree that the No10 bus showed more artistic talent, flair and interest with no real story to it, but for showcasing Carrara I'd say a mix, such as in the dreams story would be more appropriate.

  • de3ande3an Posts: 915
    edited December 1969

    Roygee said:
    I agree that the No10 bus showed more artistic talent, flair and interest with no real story to it, but for showcasing Carrara I'd say a mix, such as in the dreams story would be more appropriate.

    You're right, if the purpose of this exercise is to showcase Carrara.
    However, I don't think anyone has yet decided what the purpose is.
    If the purpose is to simply create an entertaining short subject, a different approach would likely be needed. Whereas, if the purpose is to showcase Carrara's attributes, then showing off more features and capabilities would be more important.

    I think someone needs to decide what the purpose is.

  • Curved DesignCurved Design Posts: 61
    edited December 1969

    de3an said:
    Roygee said:
    I agree that the No10 bus showed more artistic talent, flair and interest with no real story to it, but for showcasing Carrara I'd say a mix, such as in the dreams story would be more appropriate.

    You're right, if the purpose of this exercise is to showcase Carrara.
    However, I don't think anyone has yet decided what the purpose is.
    If the purpose is to simply create an entertaining short subject, a different approach would likely be needed. Whereas, if the purpose is to showcase Carrara's attributes, then showing off more features and capabilities would be more important.

    I think someone needs to decide what the purpose is.

    If it is going to showcase Carrara whatever the storyline we might want to produce something on par or better than Blender's 4 Open Movie projects?

    Maybe something that is as polished as the Dreams clip mentioned before

    My 2 cents is just that whatever is produced is probably going to be compared to other open movie projects.

    Elephants Dream (2006)

    Big Buck Bunny (2008)

    Sintel (2010)

    Tears of Steel (2012)

  • mmoirmmoir Posts: 821
    edited December 1969

    I think the hope is to both showcase carrara and produce an entertaining short film.

    de3an said:
    Roygee said:
    I agree that the No10 bus showed more artistic talent, flair and interest with no real story to it, but for showcasing Carrara I'd say a mix, such as in the dreams story would be more appropriate.

    You're right, if the purpose of this exercise is to showcase Carrara.
    However, I don't think anyone has yet decided what the purpose is.
    If the purpose is to simply create an entertaining short subject, a different approach would likely be needed. Whereas, if the purpose is to showcase Carrara's attributes, then showing off more features and capabilities would be more important.

    I think someone needs to decide what the purpose is.

  • ScarletX1969ScarletX1969 Posts: 587
    edited December 1969

    So, the last time something was posted in this thread was a year ago. From what I read, it seems like a great idea has been grind to a halt because too many ideas on which direction the project should go, what should be used, and so on and so forth. Personally, I think if you used Daz store content, that saves time. The first purpose of this movie, again I realize I'm late to the party and this is just my opinion, is to showcase what Carrara can do, even with pre-made content. Telling a brilliant story with great visuals can still happen. I watched that Tears of Steel Blender movie and the one complaint that seemed to be a constant with the film was "what's the story". Beautiful movie done with Blender, but lacking a bit of story. With Carrara, I think since we have an enormous pool of premade content to play around with, start there, enhancing that with the capabilities of Carrara to show what can be done on what scale with Carrara as a production tool. That's just to get us started. The second movie, build from there (say no premade human/character models, but premade sets can be used). Third movie, everything made in Carrara...and so on.

    An old college professor told can't do the second one without doing the first one first. Don't try to do everything in the first one or you won't have anything to strive for in the 2nd one.

    I hope some steam has been made with this project. :) Would love to see/possibly help. :)

  • mmoirmmoir Posts: 821
    edited December 1969

    Nothing is happening with this project as far as I know. My opinion is that we would have to start very small with this movie project, even smaller than the "Easy Come Easy Go ." test movie that we were going to do. I am open to working on this as my free time permits, if you have any ideas on a very short clip feel free to share it .


  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    User Groups is available at Carrara Cafe as a community place to organize any project, each group has it's own forum and activity wall. Also free space away from trolls, hijackers, doubters, and etc....

    If anyone has links to finished creative projects please give me a heads up. I'd like to add it to our PROJECTS section.

  • ScarletX1969ScarletX1969 Posts: 587
    edited December 1969

    mmoir said:
    Nothing is happening with this project as far as I know. My opinion is that we would have to start very small with this movie project, even smaller than the "Easy Come Easy Go ." test movie that we were going to do. I am open to working on this as my free time permits, if you have any ideas on a very short clip feel free to share it .


    Thanks Mike. I don't have any ideas right off the top of my head but it should be something that's less than a minute and a half that can showcase Carrara's abilities and we should use premade stuff to focus more on things like smooth a superhero scaling rooftops at night or something like that. A friend of mine and I are working on some promotional material for a book I'm writing that's basically going use Carrara as the 3D application of choice. I don't care about all these of "advanced" bells and whistles that Max or even Blender has, I bought and support Carrara, I'm gonna use it.

    I'm gonna hang out more at this Carrara Cafe', though. Carrara users may not have Pixar's budget but we still have a program that can do Pixar-level work. (And trust me, the moment a troll reads this, they are going to be quick to point out how Carrara could NEVER do Pixar level work. Before you even start, troll...GTFOOHWTBS because IANI). :)

  • mmoirmmoir Posts: 821
    edited December 1969

    I was thinking of starting the movie project away from the Daz forum and Carrara Café may be the place . My other thought was the Carrarator site that was started recently but it doesn't look very active. Can I set up the user group myself there or do I need a Moderator to do this?
    I will start up a thread over there and see how it goes.

    User Groups is available at Carrara Cafe as a community place to organize any project, each group has it's own forum and activity wall. Also free space away from trolls, hijackers, doubters, and etc....

    If anyone has links to finished creative projects please give me a heads up. I'd like to add it to our PROJECTS section.

  • mmoirmmoir Posts: 821
    edited February 2014


    What are your strengths or areas of interest when it comes to using Carrara? I myself am a generalist when it comes to 3d work ,so I am fairly proficient at modeling/texturing and lighting in Carrara and starting to get more comfortable animating in Carrara. I don't have any big post production/compositing tools like After Effects or Premier but I am sure others here have that .
    Lets keep the ball rolling with this or nothing will happen.


    Post edited by mmoir on
  • mmoirmmoir Posts: 821
    edited December 1969

    Actually the Carrarators site is more active than I thought at first , I just looked at some of the skill building animations . Cool stuff happening over there.


  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    mmoir said:
    I was thinking of starting the movie project away from the Daz forum and Carrara Café may be the place . My other thought was the Carrarator site that was started recently but it doesn't look very active. Can I set up the user group myself there or do I need a Moderator to do this?
    I will start up a thread over there and see how it goes.
    User Groups is available at Carrara Cafe as a community place to organize any project, each group has it's own forum and activity wall. Also free space away from trolls, hijackers, doubters, and etc....

    If anyone has links to finished creative projects please give me a heads up. I'd like to add it to our PROJECTS section.

    You should be able to start a group yourself (as long as you are logged in). Then you can invite people, or make it open membership. You can also share zip files (under a certain web limit something around 40MB+), embed youtube, format posts with images and iframes (a little buggy, but I've even embedded a Unity3D scene just to see if it would work). The activity wall is like the MY CAFE social wall, so you can embed youtube links and images there too and treat it like a blog or a chat....

    Carrarators is cool too. I need to get over there more. :)

  • Rich GellesRich Gelles Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I think right now Cafe may have more folks who visit but the Carrarator site has a core group of enthusiastic folks as well. Ooseven of carrarators has also already been thinking of group projects etc so I think he would be amenable to working out something as well on his site.

    And as aside, we already have seen it is hard to get folks to agree to things --so having a place to hash it out aside from Daz site might be beneficial. There are a number of very talentetd folks here .....its just getting them to get on the same page and work as a team for a defined agreed upon goal always seems the trick. Smiles.

    I would of course be very interested to hear your ideas and participate in the project in anyway I could.


  • 0oseven0oseven Posts: 626
    edited December 1969

    This is true Rich - the Carrarator forum always had a section for collaboration - It really just needed someone to pick up the ball and kick it off. Why this topic/thread here on Daz collapsed was I believe, because the needs of collaborators are not been catered for and it was one of the reasons Carrarators was started - purely for those wanting to focus on animation and movie making.

    Remembering that if you dont sign up to the forum you dont see all that it covers.

    That said I have finally posted a fairly long article that's been in my pipeline for sometime and which I was slow to publish because I am no expert on making movies and kind of hoped others might do it for me. I have a zillion other things associated with the web/forum to keep me busy.

    Anyway my "article" suggests how one might collaborate and how Carrarator project groups could be used for a project. What I, with the support of a few others have tried to do with Carrators is provide a platform for others to work on - you have to do the rest with participation.

    So I would suggest anyone slightly interested in making a movie checks out Carrators - Take a look then post some comment or give your opinion and suggestions before you leave. Other people would like to read them. and hopefully you will stop by again. We would sure love you to become a regular !!


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