slow movement throughout the scene

Is there a way to improve this?
I have some scenes and i can move very fast around, but then i have a few and it' crawling to get moving around :( (and there is really not much in the scene, just 1-3 items)
i attached an image from a scene, that is crawling.. if i have a fast scene, then those numbers are way way lower. < 100.000
Is there a way to improve the movement? ( I tried changing it to meshing or or any of the other settings for viewing, and none of them help.
I have 64 Gb RAM, Nvidia 1070 with 16 Gb ram latest I7 processor..
Thank you

300 x 250 - 7K
Post edited by pkappetein on
Do some or all of the loaded items in the slow scene have Smoothing modifiers applied (Mesh Smoothing will be a group in the Parameters pane with the figure selected)? If they do, is Interactive Update on in that group of parameters? That can cause a lot of lag, it's a good idea to turn it off in the early stages and turn it back on only once you are making sure the clothes fit.
I have to check on that. it's some of the scenes i bought, that are so slow.
I'll look for that Smoothing option
Edit: I select all the items, or just 1 house or a vase, and I don't see Mesh Smoothing in the parameters
All I see are the X, Y, Z , Visible, Selectable settings
Just bought the hemlock item, and I can't even use it.
it loads, and that's about it... it crawls, and then Daz is done for.. i need to kill the program..
I can't inmagine that people are selling products that won't even load, and you can't move around in it..
I can't find Mesh Smoothing, so idk what to do
Hemlock Folly is demanding. What viewpotr draw style are you using? If you are in nVidia Iray preview try dropping to plain Texture Shaded, if texture Shaded try dropping to Smooth Shaded (click the spheer icon at top-right of the view port, or use ctr 9 for Texture Shaded and ctrl 8 for Smooth Shaded - cmd 9/cmd 8 for Macs) .
I am using the default one. (not the Iray) think it's the 1st or 2nd above it) Thought I tried all of them, even frame etc.. but none of them helped.
Will try again with the Ctrl 8 and 9 so see if it improves, when i get home today.
Didn't make any difference :(
Try some of the even more basic display modes. Also, what settings do you have in Edit>Preferences>Interface for Display Optimisation?
I can't click the dropdown to switch.. it won't let me.. CTRL-8 or 9 made it switch... took about a minute per switch, but i can't move.
Try one of the other options for display optimisation - it takes a bit of experimenting but most systems should handle oen of the "better" settings.
I'll give that a shot and let you know
Thank you.
OMG.. I set it to Best and now I am able to move around normal...