Reptilian 6, Minotaur 6 and GenX

Owning GenX and the proper add ons for Geneseis 2 and Genesis 3, I've tried to transfer the Reptilian and Minotaur base morphs to genesis 3 male. Unfortunately, no success so far.
Could you tell me how exactly I should try this ?
Thanks in adavance.
I suspect it might be because both of them are HD morphs (High Definition). This is a technology DAZ is keeping very close to their chests, only content creators are allowed to use it.
'no success' meaning it won't transfer at all, or that you don't like the results?
No transfer at all.
More precisely, any other morphs dialed (if any) are transfered, but the base shape is not.
In the past I transferred Reptilian 6 to G3M without a problem... so the problem is not a global one or it's a recent problem.