Property Editor

hello all,
Where is the property editor for Daz 4.9 pro? is it called something else. I'm cloning a genesis character for G2 to auto-fit using the morph loader pro and following a tut by 3doutlaw. V4 to Dawn for the process. if there an updated tut for this process where can I find it? I have made the morph but I have to assign it.
to be more direct: how to create a full figure clone of any base for auto-fitting in daz 4.9 pro
Post edited by j_stnk on
The Property Editor was removed some time ago. Some of its features are in the Parameters pane when in Edit mode (right-click), others are in the Property Hierarchy pane.
Do you already have the shape and need to set it up as a clone?
I want the genesis2 clothing, hair, etc to auto fit to genesis. is there a tut for this. SY has a tut for G1G2G3 morph transfers. I made an obj to use in morph loader pro but it may not be correct. I unchecked all the wavefront conversions in the dialog box as per a tut by 3doutlaw DawnV4 clone. Is the "type" morph/clone assigned in morph/morph loader line in the MLP dialog box? I'm confused
Type is in Parameters Settings - after importing the morph go to the Parameters pane and click the gear icon at the right-hand end of the slider.
Thaks Richard! All is good. I have my clones! auto-fit works great!