February 2017 - Daz 3D New User Challenge - Lighting



  • mauromenichinomauromenichino Posts: 8
    edited February 2017
    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • social_stigmasocial_stigma Posts: 107
    edited February 2017

    Yet another idea. (Did I mention I enjoy playing with lighting?) The entire background is emissive.

    I did cut the render short because is see a collision issue with the right forearm that needs fixing.

    light touch tint.jpeg
    905 x 678 - 288K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Here is my simple work...hope you like it!

    Be careful not to show full nudity, as per the DAZ terms of service. And really, part of the allure of what we do in here is implying sexy/sultry without giving everything away ... it's about the tease. Always leave them wanting more, as the saying goes.

  • soc_stig said:

    Here is my simple work...hope you like it!

    Be careful not to show full nudity, as per the DAZ terms of service. And really, part of the allure of what we do in here is implying sexy/sultry without giving everything away ... it's about the tease. Always leave them wanting more, as the saying goes.

    Thanks for the warning ... I think that the image posted by me is a full nude image but i do not think it's vulgar, I think it is an artistic nude and i think it could be shown.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    please read the forum ToS  Bullet Point one in the general code of conduct. You can Find a link to the ToS at the bottom of every page on the site,  but just in case  I append a link here



  • Ok...sorry...i'll put some clothes on the figure and i'ill post again! :)

  • daybirddaybird Posts: 656
    edited February 2017

    Grr, I thought the light in Iray was hard to handle, but 3delight makes it even harder to create a real light feeling. Her skin and the whole scene looks flat. Maybe I make a major mistake in the light setting, but equal what I choose, I fail to create a good light.

    test 2.jpg
    3334 x 1875 - 4M
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • daybirddaybird Posts: 656


    soc_stig said:

    Yet another idea. (Did I mention I enjoy playing with lighting?) The entire background is emissive.

    I did cut the render short because is see a collision issue with the right forearm that needs fixing.

    Wow, you make really cool pictures and you do things with DAZ, of which I did not even know that they are possible.. I would like to know, how to do that.
    The effect with the man from your first picture is awesome. Maybe you could show us a little tutorial, how you created the effect.



  • Delirious said:
    Delirious said:
    Here are my thoughts on this particular subject.  I love post work, and I do think that everything is just a tool to get you to what your vision is for any given project.  Having said that, while learning a new program, I always try and do my absolute best to learn how to get my project as close to my vision as possible before doing any postwork.  Its too easy for me to say, oh, I will just fix it in postwork, or, I will skip over this and do it in postwork because I am far more comfortable in photoshop.  However, if I want to take my artwork and make it the absolute best I can, I need to at least get good at the basics of that program before bringing in postwork. 

    I thought about what I had suggested earlier about rendering the interior and exterior lighting seperately and then compostiting them together later. In regards to these contests, I have to totally agree with IceDragon. The goal here - in addition to winning of course - is to practice and work with lighting for a whole month. I'm still in my first year of learning Daz, and I've yet to do any postwork - partly because I want to see what I can do with Daz alone - but also cause I'm lazy. I hate going between programs. 

  • Also, I cleaned  up the scene changed the lighting and worked on the pose and outfit. This is a contest about lighting, right? I seem to keep forgetting that and putting too much work into other parts. Anyways, I like this better than my initial entry in some ways, and not so much in others. The lighting is taking backseat to the composition, so I need to find a way to bring the focus back to the lighting I think.

    560 x 862 - 870K
  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    soc_stig said:

    Another idea.

    Well done.  Nice posing, and lighting.  You have some great rim lights and very interesting shadows.  Did you apply DOF?  Her hands look slightly out of focus so I am guessing you did.


  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    yhzmurphy said:

    Main change was replacing the gun on the shelf with a model of a Walther PPK I made (as released in the 30's specifically for undercover work - seemed to fit the scene).  Also, I was able to better surface it as nickel plated and get some additional reflections of the blue and red lights in it. (by the time the challenge comes around to surfaces I'm either going to be ready, or at a point where I run off screaming any time someone suggests opening the surfaces tab...could go either way).

    If you get to the point you want to run away screaming that might be a good time for a vacation.

    Good job on the gun.

  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    cismic said:
    cismic said:

    Here is another scene I've been working on. Still working on some of the light details. And camera focus. I think I should run my rnders over night with higher settings. http://www.daz3d.com/gallery/#images/305116/

    Thank you,



    You have a good start with this.  I think if you move the water lily slightly to (your) right it will frame her very well.  You have a good overall lighting going on, now you just need to add something that will bring the focus to her.  Maybe a soft spotlight or a rim light behind her to just brighten her a bit and gring the focus to her.

    Thank you for the suggestions. I'm still working on image and placement of items in the sceen. I've moved the lilly pad and added a point light for this generation of iamge. 

    To add to Linwellys suggestions I would try some slight DOF to soften the lily in the foreground. 

  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    soc_stig said:

    Yet another idea. (Did I mention I enjoy playing with lighting?) The entire background is emissive.

    I did cut the render short because is see a collision issue with the right forearm that needs fixing.

    That happens to me all the time.  I start rendering what I think is the final version and I see something that needs to be fixed. 

  • cismiccismic Posts: 629

    This is another experiment in lighting.  Lots to learn. :-)

    The Shadow knows 01.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 829K
  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    daybird said:

    Grr, I thought the light in Iray was hard to handle, but 3delight makes it even harder to create a real light feeling. Her skin and the whole scene looks flat. Maybe I make a major mistake in the light setting, but equal what I choose, I fail to create a good light.

    Lighting is a challenge.  I still struggle with  lighting most of the time. 

    Is the city a background image? 

    I looked for images of someone looking out at a city at night and the 2 examples I found the figure is more of a silhouette.


    In these examples the figures are inside and your figure is standing outside and that will make a difference.

    What kind of a light set up are you using?  Where are your lights located?


  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252

    Also, I cleaned  up the scene changed the lighting and worked on the pose and outfit. This is a contest about lighting, right? I seem to keep forgetting that and putting too much work into other parts. Anyways, I like this better than my initial entry in some ways, and not so much in others. The lighting is taking backseat to the composition, so I need to find a way to bring the focus back to the lighting I think.

    What are you using for lighting?  If possible sometimes rotating a light around to see what different angles will do to the scene can help.  I am always looking for interesting shadows.

  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    cismic said:

    This is another experiment in lighting.  Lots to learn. :-)

    I like the mouse's shadow but I am a little confused by the light on your female figure.  The rim light on her leg is quite nice but the light on her face is a little too strong.  Are they separate lights or the same source?

  • yhzmurphy said:


    If you get to the point you want to run away screaming that might be a good time for a vacation.

    Good job on the gun.

    Thank-you Kismet.  I'm reaching saturation, at least for now, on this image.  I'm going to try to get the window lights in the reflection to stand out a bit more and see how that looks.  I am also still tweaking the police car lights in the window of the other image, but these are both in tweak mode now.  I may try something different just as a break to come back with new eyes and enthusiasm...sort of like a vacation.

  • Also, I cleaned  up the scene changed the lighting and worked on the pose and outfit. This is a contest about lighting, right? I seem to keep forgetting that and putting too much work into other parts. Anyways, I like this better than my initial entry in some ways, and not so much in others. The lighting is taking backseat to the composition, so I need to find a way to bring the focus back to the lighting I think.

    I thought you did a good job on getting the lighting to be part of the composition - in this version her face is lit and attracts attention - in your earlier version her arm was in the light and her face was in the shadows.  One of my learnings in this challenge this month (in addition to not letting spot lights cast shadows of lit candles, and uv mapping vertex objects is really freaking hard) is that the lighting is not just technical (balance, contrast etc), but also mood and also compositional.  Ok, I just made that last bit up, but that's how I've been thinking of it this month, and the differences between your two versions of this reinforce that for me.

  • cismiccismic Posts: 629
    cismic said:

    This is another experiment in lighting.  Lots to learn. :-)

    I like the mouse's shadow but I am a little confused by the light on your female figure.  The rim light on her leg is quite nice but the light on her face is a little too strong.  Are they separate lights or the same source?

    Its a spot lite up close. I was trying to make her head give off a shadow and with her hand have that appear to show that the shadow actually sees the big mouse. I imagine it's hard to convey that. But, will work on it. So, I should tone down the light?

  • yhzmurphyyhzmurphy Posts: 434
    edited February 2017

    Maybe my final render on this one...hard to say.  I increased the light coming through the window to try and draw the eye more to the mirrored image...by my look-at-the-thumbnails technique, I can see a little difference, but I know what I'm looking for.  The only other thing I'm tempted to do is add an emissive ember and light smoke to the candle to give a sense that it was just snuffed out...does that make sense?

    In the over-share my own learnings department, and to give a sense of how my day is going so far, while the render was running I decided I'd search on how scripting was done in Daz Sudio.  Maybe I'd get ambitious and automate something...don't know what, but sure I'd find something to break.  Well I was confused in my starting point: turns out that Poser uses Python (a language I know some of) but Daz uses QTScript (variation of ECMA compliant JavaScript).  Daz, however, does have a number of lifelike snake models available...and being mildly ophidiophobic, and searching for "Daz" and "Python", my nerves are now shot :-P

    1440 x 1080 - 946K
    Post edited by yhzmurphy on
  • yhzmurphyyhzmurphy Posts: 434
    edited February 2017

    Just in case anyone wants to mess around with the window blinds, I've zipped them and uploaded them for sharing.  If anything doesn't work with the link or the file, please PM me and I'll get if fixed (this is my first attempt at this).


    Post edited by yhzmurphy on
  • yhzmurphyyhzmurphy Posts: 434
    edited February 2017

    Some tweaking on size of emissive blocks for police car lights, and addition of an environmental cube over them to soften them a bit without blurring the search light more (which DoF did when I tried that).  Then upped the render time and let it run to 100% converged ratio.  Then went for a coffee.  Then did some plaster repairs around the house.  Then did some clean-up and setting up an additional monitor for an older computer I'm setting up to be able to do stuff while rendering. Then waited some more.  Then posted.

    1440 x 1080 - 854K
    Post edited by yhzmurphy on
  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    cismic said:
    cismic said:

    This is another experiment in lighting.  Lots to learn. :-)

    I like the mouse's shadow but I am a little confused by the light on your female figure.  The rim light on her leg is quite nice but the light on her face is a little too strong.  Are they separate lights or the same source?

    Its a spot lite up close. I was trying to make her head give off a shadow and with her hand have that appear to show that the shadow actually sees the big mouse. I imagine it's hard to convey that. But, will work on it. So, I should tone down the light?

    I missed that.  The strong light on her face is drawing my eye as the brightest area of the image. 

    I am not sure how to achieve what you are trying to do but it will be a great image.  You can try turning down the intesity of the light but that might affect the strength of the shadow.


  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    yhzmurphy said:

    Maybe my final render on this one...hard to say.  I increased the light coming through the window to try and draw the eye more to the mirrored image...by my look-at-the-thumbnails technique, I can see a little difference, but I know what I'm looking for.  The only other thing I'm tempted to do is add an emissive ember and light smoke to the candle to give a sense that it was just snuffed out...does that make sense?

    In the over-share my own learnings department, and to give a sense of how my day is going so far, while the render was running I decided I'd search on how scripting was done in Daz Sudio.  Maybe I'd get ambitious and automate something...don't know what, but sure I'd find something to break.  Well I was confused in my starting point: turns out that Poser uses Python (a language I know some of) but Daz uses QTScript (variation of ECMA compliant JavaScript).  Daz, however, does have a number of lifelike snake models available...and being mildly ophidiophobic, and searching for "Daz" and "Python", my nerves are now shot :-P

    Giving the candle a look of just being blown out makes perfect sense.


    You have to be extremely carefull what you search in Google.  You never know what you might get.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    yhzmurphy said:

    In the over-share my own learnings department, and to give a sense of how my day is going so far, while the render was running I decided I'd search on how scripting was done in Daz Sudio.  Maybe I'd get ambitious and automate something...don't know what, but sure I'd find something to break.  Well I was confused in my starting point: turns out that Poser uses Python (a language I know some of) but Daz uses QTScript (variation of ECMA compliant JavaScript).  Daz, however, does have a number of lifelike snake models available...and being mildly ophidiophobic, and searching for "Daz" and "Python", my nerves are now shot :-P

    Scripting in Studio is a variant of Qt and Studio doesn't use Python...the Qt/Python compatability items aren't really helpful.  They are really two different beasts.  While some of the basics will carry over, they are definitely two separate languages. 

    Here's some basics...


    And here are some samples...


    There is a lot of information in this sub-forum.  Specific questions can be asked there, too...



  • mjc1016 said:
    yhzmurphy said:

    In the over-share my own learnings department, and to give a sense of how my day is going so far, while the render was running I decided I'd search on how scripting was done in Daz Sudio.  Maybe I'd get ambitious and automate something...don't know what, but sure I'd find something to break.  Well I was confused in my starting point: turns out that Poser uses Python (a language I know some of) but Daz uses QTScript (variation of ECMA compliant JavaScript).  Daz, however, does have a number of lifelike snake models available...and being mildly ophidiophobic, and searching for "Daz" and "Python", my nerves are now shot :-P

    Scripting in Studio is a variant of Qt and Studio doesn't use Python...the Qt/Python compatability items aren't really helpful.  They are really two different beasts.  While some of the basics will carry over, they are definitely two separate languages. 

    Here's some basics...


    And here are some samples...


    There is a lot of information in this sub-forum.  Specific questions can be asked there, too...



    Thank-you!  Reptile free scripting resources :-P

  • daybirddaybird Posts: 656
    edited February 2017


    Lighting is a challenge.  I still struggle with  lighting most of the time. 

    Is the city a background image? 

    I looked for images of someone looking out at a city at night and the 2 examples I found the figure is more of a silhouette.


    In these examples the figures are inside and your figure is standing outside and that will make a difference.

    What kind of a light set up are you using?  Where are your lights located?

    This pics are great and far away from my level.

    Yes the city is a image and I have applied a few lights. Keylight is a infinity light, mesh and fill lights are spotlights. 

    Key light came from front/down of the figure. Fill light was posed right and slightly above from her. Mesh light left and above from her.
    But with 3delight I got not so great results as with Iray. Only the render time was a great improvement ( whole picture 1h). 
    In Iray I stoped after 1h and had reached only 1%.

    Now I try other backgrounds and light settings. It looks slightly better, but still needs a improvement.

    I deleted the entry, because the Background I have used, seems not be a free one . 

    Post edited by daybird on
  • yhzmurphy said:


    Giving the candle a look of just being blown out makes perfect sense.


    You have to be extremely carefull what you search in Google.  You never know what you might get.

    I'll try the candle and post the result for feedback on whether it's better or not.

    As far as Googling...don't you know it...yeesh

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