Urban Future 1 & 2 Won't Work

Quite recently, I purchased Stonemason's "The Urban Future Bundle". I am a big fan of his products and have been very satsfied with all of my previous purchases. However, I've run into a highly vexing issue with two products in this bundle. The DS Zip Files for Urban Future and Urban Future 2 produce error messages every time I try to unzip them, and even though I was able to use the DAZ Connect setup to download the files, I still can't open them in DAZ Studio. Every time I click on these products' components in the Content Library, I get an error message that claims that the file does not exist.
Now this does not apply to all of the products in this bundle. Both Urban Future 3 and Urban Future 4: Street Level are functioning normally and I am satisfied with those two products. But even so, I am perturbed by this problem and would grately appreciate any assistance that can be rendered in resolving it.
Are you sure you aren't trying to open DAZ|Studio format material preset files? Many early D|S-compatible products — and the first couple of Urban Future items date back several years — come as Poser-format object files in the Poser Runtime folder, with accompanying D|S-format material script files in the D|S Content folder. You must load the Poser item into your scene, then apply the D|S materials.
Uh, sorry. I finally managed to get everything working. The problem wasn't the products. It turned out there was an issue with my internet that caused problems in the ZIP files. Sorry about that.