HDR Backgrounds 2 questions

I can use different backgrounds for Background or Enviroment.
I bought a bunch of items for the Terradome, and some other HDRI images. that got installed through connect, how can I select one of those ?
1.. Since when I click on browse, it opens up a default folder, and i have no idea where to find them.
I'm guess there has to be an easier was.
Noticed also if I use Background vs. Enviroment and set the dome to Sun and Sky, I get more reflections in scenes, with the light that comes through a window. and the other one is a lot darker.
2. What is the difference between those 2 then (background and Enviroment) ?
Thank you

542 x 567 - 166K

392 x 490 - 39K
The Environment lights the scene, the Backfrop just adds an image behind the render.
The Terradome lights are provided as Render Settings - they should have their own folder in the product (in the Products tab of Smart Content) or in the virtual Daz Connect folder under Daz Studio Formats in the Content Library pane. They should also be available through the Presets tab of Render Settings.
I have bought some packages that has images only that i can use for background. but they don't show up in the dropdown.. (those are all items from the scene) so where do i browse for, or can i just click and drag from smart lib to the scene?
Click the button with the mini thumbnail next to Background, Browse, and go to where the images are
That's the thing.. I need to figure out first then, where the images are located. some where in 1 of those cloud folders...
Are you sure they didn't come with presets? Which set is this from? You can right-click on a file in the content panes and select Browse to file location, find the right sub-folder, copy the path from the top of the window, and paste it into the path in the Browse file requester to go to the right place.