So How Do I Fire Up "Look at my Hair" ??

As the subject says. I cannot find the icon for LAMH anywhere in my DS4 interface. Furthermore, I cannot find a menu entry. .... and yes, I have installed it.
Any help appreciated.
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As the subject says. I cannot find the icon for LAMH anywhere in my DS4 interface. Furthermore, I cannot find a menu entry. .... and yes, I have installed it.
Any help appreciated.
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There is a ninety odd page thread here in the Commons by the vendor :
The information should be there I'm sure. Are you using DS 4.5?
Should appear in the Create menu. If it doesn't, exactly which version of DS are you using - help>About DAZ Studio?
DAZ Studio :
It does not appear in the Create menu. Neither does it appear in the Windows/Tabs sub-menu.
Did you install the 32 bit version on a 64bit DS install? Go to Help > About Installed Plugins and make certain you see the plugin there.
No. I only have the 64-bit installer on my hard disk, and that is what I used. It does not appear in the list of installed plugins *sigh*
I'll try and install it again.
So I installed it again, and it asked me to uninstall the previous version - thus showing that it had already been installed. Now it appears in the list of installed plug-ins, go figure.
The only thing that sill does not appear is the icon at the top of the DS window.
You mean like all the other tool icons? There isn't one — using the Create menu is how LamH has been set up to work.
Although... since the look of D|S can be customised pretty much any way you want, does anyone know how to set up a custom action for this plugin? I've never done it myself.
I was watching one of the author's videos, and he started LAMH from an icon at the top of the DAZ Studio screen. That is where I got the notion that the icon should be there.
I had a look at the workspace and the preferences, and I couldn't work out how to add the icon to the toolbar at the top.
Go to Window > Workspace > Customize and you can add the LaMH icon to any of the main toolbars.
I went to that dialog, there is a list of Actions a mile high. I went thru' all of what I thought might have been appropriate, but couldn't see anything that allows me to add new icons to my toolbar.
Hi Mathman, you'll find it under "Create". Just click and drag the LAMB icon to the toolbar of your choice.
Your icon will look a little different, I made a custom icon so it will show up better.
Thanks, but that didn't work in that the icon did not appear in the toolbars at the top of my screen. I tried going out and back in, but that made no difference.
What layout are you using ?
Take 2, I got it after all.
Thanks !
Excellent! Glad you got it working. I'm so used to using the same layout I sometimes forget there are others, I didn't think about things being in a different place. I use the Darkside Style customized to my workflow. I love that you can put pretty much anything in a toolbar. I have shaders, characters, cameras, whatever I use most frequently.
Incidentally, this is a critical question in D|S4 when there are problems like this — what you see, and sometimes what you can see, varies depending on which layout setting you use. E.g. the amazingly badly named "Full Service" layout, which many D|S beginners are presented with (with no easy way of knowing there are other options) is actually very limited and will not let you see many of the more advanced functions.