
I'm sure it has happened before and someone explained the solution, but!
My workspace which is usually set to Hollywood Boulevard has suddenly started to appear as all white with black text. The only images are in Content Manager.
Any ideas, anyone, please?
I did try uninstall/reinstall (in DIM).
Ddi you make sure DS was closed when you uninstalled/reinstalled?
Have now successfully managed it thanks. I did uninstall when it was off, but I was opening from taskbar and when I did so from the main menu the problem had gone. Took link from Taskbar, added it again and it worked. Don't understand it!
Sometimes DS takes a while to close after the button has gone from the Taskbar, if it was not long since your last session it may still have been working on releasing memory and so on.
Thanks Richard. I think it's just the DS gremlin being sulky.