Zeroing out teeth

We're getting products with creature teeth that are part of the morph, rather than something to dial in separately. Some of these morphs would be useful for other purposes than what they are being marketed for. But the creature teeth make it difficult to impossible to use them for anything other than their marketing niche.

This is extremely inconvenient. Even if we don't have full capability to design alternate teeth for G3, it would be useful to have something that would zero out the creature teeth and at least put the teeth back to human teeth.


  • ToyenToyen Posts: 1,915

    If it comes indeed as one morph, I can't at the moment think of another way than to export the .obj to a modeling program and try to sculpt the teeth back to it's default position.

    And yes I agree! Having a separate morph for the teeth comes in handy!

  • Zeroing the teeth, at least for a non-HD morph, is fairly simple now - the potential issue is that the zeroed teeth may not fit the moprhed head if it's wider or narrower.

    To zero the teeth you need to switch to the Geometry Editor tool, and you need to make the morph you wish to zero a favourite by clicking the heart icon on its slider (or moprhs - this can be done to multiple morphs in one operation).

    With the Geometry Editor active the Tool Settings pane will show a list of groups and surfaces - for this it should be enough to click the + next to the teeth surface to select all its polygons.

    Morph editing works on vertices, not polygons, so now we need to convert our selection to a vertex selection. Right-clck in the viewport and then go to Geometry Selection>Convert Selection>Convert to Vertex Selection.

    Now to remove the teeth from the morph(s) right-click in the viewport again and then Morph Editing>Clear Selected Deltas from Favourites.


  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288

    Will make a note of this. That is a good point about whether the unmorphed teeth will still fit. It's mainly in characters like Anneka and Nosferatu where I want to get rid of the creature teeth. And those tend to have at least somewhat distorted jaws as well.

  • RedzRedz Posts: 1,459

    One of Thorne's morph sets has some handy morphs that will move the mouth parts back/forth and up/down. Handy if you don't want the bother of taking the model into a modeller after you zero out the teeth and mouth morphs with the geometry editor. 

  • There is a way to remove morphs from specific parts of the body using the geometry editor


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