Dynamic Clothing Control

Today i buyed the "Dynamic Clothing Control"-Plugin. But now i have a big Problem. After installing the Plugin my Dynamic Clothing Pane has gone.
I have no chance to use this Plugin.
Anyone have a hint how i can use this tool?
DAZ-Version is 4.9 Pro
Are you using the latest version of DS - The Daz plug-isn are always version-specific. If you are, have you found the plug-in and entered its serial number in Help>About Installed plug-ins, then rstarted DS?
Yes, i use the I found 2 red entrys in the "About installed plug-ins" Window. They says:
Reason :Library could not be loaded. File is not a valid DAZ Studio plug-in, or was made for a different version of DAZ Studio.
So i must wait for an Update of the Plugin? Or can i go back to a Version that works with this?
For which? There's at least one .dll in there that isn't a plug-in, so for that the "disabled" status is correct.
If I understand you right than there is no Plug-in "Dynamic Clothin Control" installed?
It´s difficult for me to understand whats happend. Sorry.
Try uninstalling the plug-in and then reinstalling.
that i try every day , without any succsess.
Is this a freshly downloaded copy?