One more create product icon help request.

So I read all the other threads about creating icons and missing icons. I know about the Support Folder and .PNG and such.
If I create my own product using the Content Library... So I picked a folder that has items in it, right click and choose to make PRODUCT.
And then I choose to have that product show up in Smart Content, how do I create a product icon for that new entry?
I searched the Daz Manual and the reference to metadata and XML naming conventions.....
I gave the newly created product a name. I searched for that name and have tried putting .PNG files in any folder that references my product.
Still nothing.
Besides that right clicking and choosing open file location doesn't work. But it's like that for several products that do work in Daz and have thumbnails.
I lost all the files in my content librarian. I googled that and found the reset layout fix. I did that and all my content is back, plus Daz has created a sub product for all the articles of wardrobe I was just working on,
I have no idea how or why, but that's fine. The main product I tried to create is without its icon, but I have tons of new products listed, built from that one big folder. That's good enough. I quit.
I spend more time trying to learn the ins and outs of Daz than creating anything. lol