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Is there a way to make a single morph slider from several different morph sliders?
ERC Freeze. Set the morphs as you want them, and make sure everything else is zeroed. Then right-click on the tab of the Property Editor pane and select ERC Freeze from the menu (I strongly advise having the pane docked behind another pane, so only its tab shows - that way you can get at its option menu without having to wait for it to populate). Make sure you have the figure you want selected in the top button, and the body part in the second, then click the Create New button - type will be float, Path should be where you want the dial to appear in the morph list, and give it a name and label then click Create (you can also adjust things like min and max if you want at that point). Make sure all and only the morphs you want are checked in the Freeze Properties list. Click Accept and you should now have your new morph set and setting the multiple slave morphs to the right values. To save the result, File>Save as>Support Assets>Morph Asset.
Thank you. This was exactly what I have been looking for, for the last week.
We got a happy Jester now.
Thanks for the sharing of knowledge. After much fumbling about I worked out what joint and polygon editor do, and found a way to make a new surface on the same imported mesh. Even learned to use Transfer Utility. Pheeww.
Next step is understanding the difference between Weight Mapping and Rigidity. I think weight map has to do with how fabric bends (puffy vs clingy/saggy?), and rigidity has to do with how "non-conforming" a mesh area is. But isn't that the same thing? Please kindly enlighten... Thanks...
The weightmap controls how strongly a joint affects the mesh - at 0 the mesh stays unchanged, at 1 it moves to the full extent of the joint's rotation, and at intermediate values it moves an intermediate amount.
Rigidity controls how the mesh of conforming items is affected by new auto-generated morphs - a rigid polygon will be unchanged, or will be changed only as the reference polygon is changed, when a new morph is set on the figure it is fitted to. Rigidity doesn't have anything to do with posing, nor does it affect auto-morphs created before the map was applied (though you can clear generated morphs from the Edit menu), nor does it affect morphs imported via Morph Loader or the GoZ or Hexagon bridges.
Thanks for the response Richard. Drown in the mess of DIM I forgot I asked a question here...
So let me try...
Plastic buttons are rigid, and light. I need to assign a global blue color rigidity to imported buttons on clothes. I probably need to assign weight too? Not sure if rigidity get added automatically with any transfered to Genesis body ojects.
Necklaces are also rigid, not suppose to bend with Genesis movement. So collision/fit to are good enough. So the process is similar to buttons?
Clothings and shoes have bones, which implies joints and bending, and therefore need to be assigned weight.
Correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks again!
Rigidity in respect to posing is controlled by the weight map - if it moves as a unit all parts should have the same weight, presumably in most cases matching the area they are attached to. Rigidity as a figure property is concerned only with auto-generated morphs.
OK... let me try again. Weight map assigns "bendability" with red, that's it. It doesn't really paint weight. It paints hardness/ softness. Words! lol
So for most rigid-body props/ figures I just ignore the weight mapping step. But for human, animals, clothing, plants, weight mapping is necessary. Hope I get it right this time!
Thanks again for your patience.
Yes, that sounds right. In this case weight is "influence", how much the vertex is affected by the rotation.
Ah good. Thanks again Richard.
Thank you so much Hellboy (and Richard) for making all this clear and talking the time to collate the info in one place. It's people like you that make this community great.
I'm putting the finishing touches on a custom morph I made. Everything works, and I've got the morph saved in my library. I made an image to go along with it using a PNG sized 147 x 185. I keep telling DAZ Studio where the icon is, but it never shows up in the shaping tab. All I see is the standard "logo" image with my slider. Am I supposed to use "card" in addition to "icon" in the parameter settings?
Edit: Figured it out. Instead of loading the image as an "icon," I needed to load it as a "card."
Excellent! I used to rig years ago and am doing it again for stuff I model. Very good refrences.
So how does one create a shirt or other clothing piece in the first place? I recnetly got Hexagon but haven't messed with it yet. Could I create clothes in that?
Here's a 'basics' tutorial for Hexagon...
Here's a tut on making a dress
Great job!!! I'll enjoy following these in Hex!!!
The best tutorials for making clothing that I've found are Lady Littlefox's and Fugazi's sorry...I can't link to other stores.
Agree with Pendraia - those tutorials are ones I learnt to model with.
Just wanted to add, you really need to know the basics in your modeller before using them unless your using silo for fugazi or modo for littlefox. I think fugazi did do a couple of tutorials for hex that are in the daz store.