Trying to get the Hang of UE2 in DAZ4.5

I'm trying to get the hang of using UberEnvironments 2 in Daz, it seems to be hit or miss for me, so I set up a simple scene with UE2 base, a linear point light and a spot light.

1024 x 1024 - 170K
Not bad for a start. What's your shading rate in render settings?
This thread may help:
Yes, excellent resource adam. My bible on UE2, ty for putting it together :)
shading rate in render settings is 0.1
for the UE2 its using the set quality 3Hi and I didn't alter any of its settings.
using Indirect lighting with directional shadows, took around 30 minutes to render.
Hmm, that's actually higher then it generally needs to be, setting it to .2-.4 would increase render speed and you probably wouldn't notice a difference. The reason I asked is that you have some pretty sharp edges. Not sure what you'd do to soften them some off-the-top.
ok let me set it to 2 and see how long it takes to render, I can tweak it from there..
ok after changing the render setting shading rate from 0.1 to 2 it took 22 minutes to render.
hmm well I also tweaked max trace distance to match an indoor scene like Adam mentioned in his thread.
oh and I decided I needed a bit more contrast, so I changed the studio backdrop prop (from poser) to a light blue as opposed to just white.
well I thought I save the render to a .jpg but apparently I did not, I know I renamed it
well one of the things I noticed was splotchy shadows around the sportsbra straps,
doing another render this time with UE2 at 50% intensity, and the other lights kicked up so the spot acts like the main light and the linear distant light still plays a fill light role (still have shadows for it turned off.. )
ok latest test.
Render settings
shading rate is 2
shadow samples are 30
UE2 settings (set quality 3Hi)
Intensity 50% R255 G255 B255
Max Trace Distance 25
Spot Light 1
Intensity 65% color R255 G245 B220
shadow softness 50%
shadow bias 0.1
Linear Pt Light 1
Intensity 15% R235 G235 B255
no shadows
render time 24 minutes 30 seconds.
Try 0.2 for your MAIN render settings (on the render tab) and try 1.00 on the UE2 specific shading rate on the UE2 parameters tab. To clean up the cast shadow in the background I'd need to know what the pixel samples on your main render settings tab are.
Pixel samples are 4 for both x and y
My suggestions:
Lower Ray Trace Depth to 2
Increase Pixel Samples X/Y to 8
Lower Shadow Samples to 16
Lower Shading Rate to 0.20
Increase Pixel Filter Width X/Y to 8
Adam, please remind me: in your thread on UE2, did you managed to identify all the settings that Ue2 overrides in the Render Settings?
It doesn't override them per se. It uses it's own settings on its OWN light effect instead of the default settings. Other light sources will still use the render tab settings.
Regardless, there's really only one setting that's overridden. That's Shading Rate.
You might say Occlusion Samples overrides Shadow Samples, but that would be incorrect. They are calculated differently.
All of the other UE2 parameter settings are unique to UE2 or have a "standard light" corollary.
Pulled from my "What do the advanced render settings" thread... here's the discussion of what Shading Rate is and how it's calculated.
Lower shadow samples the better? thought I read that it was the other way around..
30 is unnecessarily high.
ah, I had it maxxed at one point, and it did not seem to make that much of a hit on render times,
yikes I thought hair was bad enough with UE2 (and 3Delight in general) but add translucense to a few shaders... wow, time to go looking for a 2nd box to run the stand alone version of 3delight on..