DAZStudio_4.5.1.6 - No Display…
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DAZStudio_4.5.1.6 - No Display - Program not running

After installing Daz, _Win32 on Windows 7 Pro, running Daz, nothing comes up on the screen...
Daz is running as a process (when I check the Task Manager, under Processes) but the application does not open...
The same happened with the previous Daz 4,5 release. I had to reinstall the OLD Daz software again in order to use it.
I bought many new characters and I want to use Daz 4.5.
This is so frustrating.
Please help?
I have reinstalled, switched off all firewalls and antivirus, reboot, uninstalled, reinstalled, name it.
Post edited by modeltec_acdcd11446 on
System specs, please...especially video card.
Usually the result of a faulty download. Clear your browser cache and redownload DS.
Thanks Green Frog and Yellow Chick...
I have downloaded several times, made sure files are 100 good.
It has to do with Windows 7 32 bit as the software shows running in the Task Manager "Processes" but it just would not open in the Task Manager 'Applications' (Computer Screen). I have tried this previously with Daz4.5 and it did exactly the same. I am now desperate to move forward by using the latest Daz version.
As ReDave said, it is often a corrupt download, but the second most common cause is video card/driver related...please post your computer specs.
Display Card: GeForce GTS 450
2 Gb video memory, 3608 Mhz data rate, 128 bit data
I will check for a driver update!
PC: Intel Core i7 Cpu 950, 3.06 Ghz
Ram 4 Gb
32 bit op system
Thanks man!
I downloaded and installed a brand new 2013 driver for the NVidea Geoforce 450 graphic accelerator.
No change.
I tried various card settings for maximum performance.
No change.
Another possibility is your anti-virus/firewall preventing the CMS from starting therefore stopping Studio.
Thank you everyone.
There is currently no solution to the problem.
The problem lies with the new Daz Studio 4.5 software that is unable to support my computer graphics.
I have tried every possibility including disabling of virus, firewall programs.
Remember that the older Daz 4 works fine but not Daz 4.5 and this is the main clue for not working.
This seems to be a technical software problem.
I have filed an official Technical Problem with Daz and hope the technical team will be able to assist soon.
I will not re-install the old Daz and will therefore have to patiently wait.
DS 4.5 supports your video just fine...any Nvidia card is more likely to have full support than any other card (AMD cards are pretty much tied, except they more often have driver issues...but lately they've been pretty consistent, too). It's Intel HD Graphics that has the problems...
So that is NOT your problem.
A couple of other things...4.5 uses updated versions of Qt and the MS VC runtimes...it installs the needed Qt package, but sometimes the VC runtimes don't install.
Try making sure that the Visual C runtimes on your system are up to date and correct for your system...you can get those through Windows update.
I had to stop the Daz Content Management Service running in the windows Task Manager Services.
When I do this, Daz Studio opens up on the screen! Thanks to instructions by Kraig.
In order to use Daz Studio now, I keep the Content Management Service in Stop until a new version is released and the CMS problem solved.
Thaks everyone.