Measure Metrics Pane Does Not Exist

I have MM installed, but the pane that should be under Window/Panes (Tabs) is not listed.
I am getting an error message "the script requires that the Measure Metrics plugin be installed and registered to continue"
What does that mean & how do I comply?
Post edited by Patroklos on
Well is seems that measure metric uninstalled and deregistered itself. I wonder how that happens.
It probably means that you didn't update it when Studio got updated. Do you install manually or use DIM?
The versions of Daz-created plugins are always in step with the latest version of the application. So first, make sure you're using the latest version of Daz Studio. Second, you must enter your serial number for the plugin (Help > About Installed Plugins... : Measure Metrics) in order to activate it. Once you've entered the serial number and accepted the dialog, you will need to close and restart Daz Studio.