Iray - I'm getting inconsistent results with a hair shader [SOLVED]

I was in the process of rendering headshots of a couple of characters I've been sculpting when I stumbled into this rat's nest. Both characters are fitted with the same hair model, with the same hair shaders, in the same position using the same light setup, but the girl's hair is coming out flat while the guy's hair is rendering correctly.
I've tried copying and applying the surface settings over from the good one, then I duplicated the hair model (and for some reason, it would not fit -- it was stuck a few inches higher than it should be!), then I deleted both hair models and started with a fresh one, with the correct hair shader applied... and I'm still getting a flat render!
How is this happening?

headshot - avalon 6.17.4 - test 02.png
1600 x 900 - 1M

headshot - avonlea 6.17.4 - test 01.png
1600 x 900 - 1M
Post edited by avmorgan on
Just to make things wierd... after getting the same results when I restarted DS with the original scene: I squeezed both characters into the same frame and her hair rendered properly.
It's just the one scene. No changes in render settings, and the hair shader works when both characters are visible. When I turn off the male character's visibility, the female character's hair goes flat. To complete my render, I just turned him back on and slid him out of the camera's view. It's still a mystery why turning him off messes up her hair shader.
Still diagnosing; I moved Avonlea into a group higher up in the node chain because I was done with her skin shader and had a good render using the method above. Then I updated Avalon's skin shader and did a render and this time his hair went flat. I looked at the nodes again and saw Avonlea was hidden. So, whatever is happening, it seems to be caused by hiding the first "instance" of the hair shader in the node heirarchy. I turned Avonlea back on and moved her out of the frame and I am getting a good render of Avalon.
I still don't know why this happens, but if it happens to you, you can try this workaround or simply remove the hidden nodes from the scene if they are not needed.