modeling clothes and transfer utility question

I recently downloaded a Marvelous Designer trial and I've made a body suit. I transfered it to zbrush and fixed the geometry there. Now transfered it to daz and converted to sub d and when I go to transfer utility it makes the costume all shrivled up and deformed. I applied smoothing modifiers but I still get a lot of pokethrough. Also, I made gloves just in zbrush and when I transfer utility for those it fits them like off toward the body away from where they should be. When I load them they are perfecty aligned. Any idea how I could solve those issues? I made the clothes around Gwenili model for genesis 3 could that be it? Do I need to use base genesis 3 to base my clothes around?
If you are making clothes for Genesis figures, the figure needs to be in ZERO SHAPE and ZERO POSE. Otherwise you will get issues.
So you first model for Genesis 3 Female base. You make sure the clothes fit on her. (Do NOT change her T-pose to something else).
After Transfer Utility you can then proceed to dialing up characters.
If you need to correct anything there, you can make correction morphs.
ty again thomas!