transfer tool transform trauma

OK, doing something silly
using horse2 to add a skeleton to an imported cow obj using transfer tool
UDDERLY no idea what I am doing though
it works except for one big fail
the cow transforms back to its default import position and the bones end up outside the vertex model influencing the wrong bits of mesh
so before I can even consider wielding the weight brush I need to solve this.
I use Carrara where attaching skeleton is as simple as lining up bones then weightpainting, studio is foreign ground to me
I know you can group vertices and use figure set up tools but this seemed a simpler more Carrara like way to do it and almost works.
(grr I might have to read Blondie999's book I bought and learn do it the PROPER way!!)

extracting the donor figure and just transferring skeleton gets an error see log file
Size and position the cow, export that as an OBJ, import the new OBJ, run the Transfer utility - the TU works on the base mesh, not the current state.
I made a bit of progress
thinking outside the box I sent to Hexagon and transformed and rotated cow there sending back as new obj
that attached to bones in place
now weight brush here I come and make a dogs breakfast of it!!
hey RH you got in before I could upload! thx anyway figured it out
Not a huge problem. Select the joint editor tool in DS and right click in the work space. Select Align \Align all bones.
That should fix it. I had similar problems with genesis with extreme scaling shapes.
Sorry just reread are you doing this in Carrara or DS?
Is the cow a morph you've created or are you just borrowing the rigging?
If so and you are using DS what I suggested may work.
I am using an obj in DS4.5 borrowing the horses rigging
got it rigged but the weights are shockingly out, now I have to learn to do THAT bit lol!
at least part one solved thx
forum restricting image uploads so view here
Cute...from what I read yesterday in Blondie's tutorial it looks like you got bits include on some bones that should be on others...hope that makes sense.
yes, no vertex grouping on obj at all.
just transfered bones as is, in Carrara I would weightpaint the verts to alter which bones affected which bits of mesh, usure if I can even do this in studio.
going back and doing it the "RIGHT" way using Blondies tute might be the only answer.
Blondie gives a very good description of the process how.