Weight Map Skinning Does Not Update in Viewport!

After creating a rig and weight map for a character prop (wings) and creating a test animation based on the bones, rotations and translations to the bones do not show on the skinned mesh unless an animation is playing, or when a rotation is being applied to any bone in the hierarchy. Once the mouse is unclicked, the bone's rotation will stay, however the mesh will return to its home position, showing no weightmapping. This makes it difficult to properly edited the weight map on a paused frame in the middle of an animation, as the mesh will revert back to its original shape. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Solved!! Just had to click on Memorize Figure Pose, as it was either clicked before the rigging process or after. Now mesh stays with bones through animation.
Open the Tool Settings tab. In it, go to Node Weight Map Brush and you will find 3 tabs - General, Binding and Normalize.
Click Binding.
Check if the Weight Mapping Mode is set to the correct type of map.
If you use X/Y/Z weight maps - use TriAx.
If you use General weight maps - use General.
The binding type has to fit the map type. Otherwise DAZ Studio thinks that you simply made no weight mapping there.
Did that help?
Oh, so it was a different problem?
Very well, it sounded like a binding issue.