FirstBastion's Upcoming Lineup [commercial]



  • Thanks, I've been waiting for a long time for an Iray version.

  • Better late than never as they say. I do hope people put it to good use.


    Just the main set. You can use HDRI with it. So if you have a night sky,  I did emmissive some of the lights.


    1000 x 563 - 260K
  • I'm sure they will.

    Let's see what else is ripe for conversion .... The Neighbour's Yard, 1950's Era Motel, Suburban Shopping Mall, Gallerie Bastion Spacious Interior. And that's just a few of my fav sets.

  • That's a good list. I'll see what I can do. The Shopping Mall will for sure get the Iray treatment. 

    For the record, The Spacious Interior has already been iray updated.

    The Neighbour's Yard is getting a remake, the houses will have interiors and the garages will be usable.

    The 1950's Era Motel, certainly deserves an update. I'll get that done soon.

  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621

    The Neighbour's Yard is getting a remake, the houses will have interiors and the garages will be usable.


    Really? How cool is thatsmiley

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479

    The Neighbour's Yard is getting a remake, the houses will have interiors and the garages will be usable.


    Really? How cool is thatsmiley

    On a scale of 1 to 10? About a 12!

  • That's a good list. I'll see what I can do. The Shopping Mall will for sure get the Iray treatment. 

    Wonderful news!

    For the record, The Spacious Interior has already been iray updated.

    Doh! Of course it has.

    The Neighbour's Yard is getting a remake, the houses will have interiors and the garages will be usable.

    And hopefully the back door will be able to open & close. This is really great news.

  • Christmas/Holiday Gift today.

  • Grabbed that, thank you.

  • Thank You

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,489

    Thank you very much for this gift - I hope you have a good Christmas/Holiday!

  • jardinejardine Posts: 1,205

    thank you!

    happy holidays!

  • jardinejardine Posts: 1,205

    any plans to iray the ridge walk mountains set?

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,850

    Here we go this is the correct Upcoming thread. I'm not spaming honest. I posted to the older thread by mistake.

    Not a particularly high demand type of set,  but a collection of vignettes that were sitting on my desktop. Some interesting mirrored effects. Making George slimmer is a kind of cool effect.

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,850
    jardine said:

    any plans to iray the ridge walk mountains set?

    I probably would update that set,  but might have to rebuild parts of it. It will depend how much work is involved. The set itself is looking kind of dated by today's standards. But the concept is still cool.

  • edited March 2020

    Here we go this is the correct Upcoming thread. I'm not spaming honest. I posted to the older thread by mistake.

    Not a particularly high demand type of set,  but a collection of vignettes that were sitting on my desktop. Some interesting mirrored effects. Making George slimmer is a kind of cool effect.

    That first render on the page to buy this is so Sci-Fi, I love it!

    Post edited by Barefoot Upto My Soul on
  • mavantemavante Posts: 734

    Built an Inland Marina

    I just purchased this, hoping to use it in a music video animation I'm working on, and I just had to stop by to say what an amazing product it is. The attention to detail and the "reality factor" infused into those details sets new heights that I hope will inspire other world-makers.

    Thank you for this addition to your many wonderful creations. I think it deserves its own thread here, and a lot more attention than I've seen it get

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,850
    mavante said:

    Built an Inland Marina

    I just purchased this, hoping to use it in a music video animation I'm working on, and I just had to stop by to say what an amazing product it is. The attention to detail and the "reality factor" infused into those details sets new heights that I hope will inspire other world-makers.

    Thank you for this addition to your many wonderful creations. I think it deserves its own thread here, and a lot more attention than I've seen it get

    Thank you for the comments. It is great to get some positive feedback.  I always strive to make stuff that is useful to help artists tell their stories, be it a single image, or graphic novel or animation.

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,850

    Here we are, middle of March 2020,  dealing with a world wide pandemic. 

    Sometime here abouts a decade back,  March 15 2010,  I officially became a PA with my first product, The Old WaterHole  made for Poser 6  which I bought for $29 bucks and spent a month learning to use. I had been using Daz Studio 1.8 since it was a free download around 2008 using the available Generation 3 four pack which I stumbled upon while searching for the Bryce3D 5.0 official product after using using the Metacreations Bryce demo on an iMac for a while.  The rest  as they say is history.

    Just want to say,  a big thanks to all the people that supported my work here. If those first couple products hadn't sold as well as they did,  I'd probably be doing something completely different as this juncture in my life. Peace and safety to you all.

    This is a Bryce render of the Poser settings. Way back then.

  • The Neighbour's Yard is getting a remake, the houses will have interiors and the garages will be usable.

    The 1950's Era Motel, certainly deserves an update. I'll get that done soon.

    How are the updates for these getting on?

    The Camera Coverage - Dialogue Scene Presets set looks very interesting.

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,850

    They are still on the way. Have to get the new products out first to help cover the time of the updated ones.

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,850

    Speaking of, made some useful cameras to help with storytelling, gleaned from my film crew days. Hopefully they come in handy for storyboards, graphic novels and animation creation. Helps save a lot of tie in the setup phase.

  • HeavyRayHeavyRay Posts: 176

    re: gleaned from my film crew days...
    Interesting - would love to hear more about this (whenever you find some time)

    Love your products, especially the EXCELLENT customer support!!


  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,850

    Toronto's been known as Hollywood North for years, though Vancouver certainly has plenty of productions too. American productions come up north to take advantage of the lower Canadian$. I worked on various productions in the early 2000's when I was younger and tolerated 13 hour days and 12 hour turnarounds. They were generally direct to DVD B movies features with budgets around 5 million range with crews between 50-70. Credits include the AD department (Assistant Director both 1st and 2nd)

  • HeavyRayHeavyRay Posts: 176

    Thanks for sharing.. Sounds like some interesting work AND good background/insight in your current (3d) work...

  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085

    Toronto's been known as Hollywood North for years, though Vancouver certainly has plenty of productions too. American productions come up north to take advantage of the lower Canadian$. I worked on various productions in the early 2000's when I was younger and tolerated 13 hour days and 12 hour turnarounds. They were generally direct to DVD B movies features with budgets around 5 million range with crews between 50-70. Credits include the AD department (Assistant Director both 1st and 2nd)

    Not just the lower Canadian$, but also the much easier Union terms.  Though the main reason Hollywood came knocking in the first place was some exptremely attractive financing incentives that the Canadian government allowed back in the late 70s and early 80s, where investors in Canadian films could deduct 100% of the cost of their investment on their taxes, with the primary condition beign that the film had to use a mainly Canadian Crew and cast.  Thus we had there was a huge wave of so called "tax shelter " films like Porky's, Meatballs, My Bloody Valentine, Prom NIght, Quest For FIre and Shivers, usually starring Canadians with some U.S. recognition like Bill Murray, Dan Ackroyd and John Candy, and launching the careers of Canadian-based Directors and Producers like David Cronenberg and Ivan Reitman.   

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,850
    HeavyRay said:

    insight in your current (3d) work...

    It's one of the reasons my environment sets generally always include a long list of camera angle setups. Its all about the storytelling potential from a cinematic point of view.

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,850
    Cybersox said:

    Thus we had there was a huge wave of so called "tax shelter " films like Porky's, Meatballs, My Bloody Valentine, Prom NIght, Quest For FIre and Shivers, usually starring Canadians with some U.S. recognition like Bill Murray, Dan Ackroyd and John Candy, and launching the careers of Canadian-based Directors and Producers like David Cronenberg and Ivan Reitman.   

    Good List you have, The important thing was those films actually made some money at the US box office which generated further investments in the industry.  Porky's held the top grossing Canadian film position for a long time.  It's probably My Big Fat Greek Wedding now. Some French language Quebec films would be up there too. yay Canadian content...

  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085
    Cybersox said:

    Thus we had there was a huge wave of so called "tax shelter " films like Porky's, Meatballs, My Bloody Valentine, Prom NIght, Quest For FIre and Shivers, usually starring Canadians with some U.S. recognition like Bill Murray, Dan Ackroyd and John Candy, and launching the careers of Canadian-based Directors and Producers like David Cronenberg and Ivan Reitman.   

    Good List you have, The important thing was those films actually made some money at the US box office which generated further investments in the industry.  Porky's held the top grossing Canadian film position for a long time.  It's probably My Big Fat Greek Wedding now. Some French language Quebec films would be up there too. yay Canadian content...

    It's still BFGW according to the last list I saw, which had Porky's  still at number 2, followed by "Mama" and Resident Evil - Afterlife. 

    Mind you, I enjoyed the Porky's films for what they were, but I'm really glad they were made as the studio was so happy with the first one that they gave the director an automatic greenlight on any film he wanted to make as long as he agreed to make a Porky's 2.  And the film that he ended up making, even though everyone assumed it would be a huge flop given the subject matter, was a little gem called A CHRISTMAS STORY. 

  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,553

    I would love to see a revival of Arctic Research One, with interiors. Maybe some equipment to scatter around, although that could be kit-bashed. Had my eye on that one, but it went away before I could get around to it.

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