dynamic cloth control...what happened its the basic version

Hi, not to make a issue,,,,i paid and have it in the serial numbers in my account pane that,,,i did pay for the dynamic cloth version 2.x...
so now it not the version i get in studio. How do i enable that version of dynamic cloth? thanks for your help.
If you install DS (new version or update) after the dynamic Clothing Control you will get the basic plug-in from the application. You should always install DS first, then plug-ins. In this case you can uninstall the control plug-in and then reinstall it.
Thanks, i downloaded the cloth contol and noticed that there is a eta version thats not active. cwhat do i need to do to accuire the latest version with the most fatures?
That is a version which was available when 4.5 was released as a beta, it's not useful anymore.
ok so what do i need to do to get the other than basic version again?
sorry i dont know how to reinstall the plug in..can i find the procedure some where? thanks matt
ok i did it,,kinda like i loose all grip on common scence sometimes