How do you do NOT ANIMATE between keyframes if you have a third or more keyframes?

I want to animate something starting at the second keyframe. So i have 3 keyframaes. The one at frame 0, another one and then another one later on.
So i want the animation to start at the second keyframe. BUt i'm noticing that when i add a third keyframe, the area between the first keyframe and the second has been influenced and now i have animation between the first and second keyframes.which is not what i want. I want NO animation between the first and second keyframe.
Anyway to do it? Just to let you know it's for an object that is not moving but suddenly drops to the floor

1039 x 211 - 29K
You need to edit the interpolation type - by default it is set to smooth, which behaves as you see. I think Casual has a script to help with this, or you can use KeyMate/GraphMate from the store.
Or, you could go to the first keyframe and memorize pose. Then go to the second keyframe and restore pose. This will make the first and second keyframe identical, so no movement will occur between them. All movement will begin on the second keyframe as timeline moves toward the third.