Cleaning up files before zipping to share for testing (SOLVED)

Hi all,
I have my denim dress finished, and I'm almost ready to zip up the files and put them in my Dropbox to share for testing. But I'd like to tidy up a bit before I do.
Following LittleFox's advice, I updated my DAZ Preferences to use the author name CrissieB, rather than the email-address-based user name that DAZ gave me by default. I then set up a new content library on my desktop -- CrissieB DAZ 3D Library -- with a People > Genesis 3 Female > Clothing > CrissieB > CB Denim Dress > Materials subfolder set and a Runtime > Textures > CrissieB > CB Denim Dress subfolder set. I copied my texture maps to the Runtime >>> CB Denim Dress folder, went to the Surfaces tab and reset the texture maps to the ones from the new folder, and saved a Material Preset in the People >>> Materials subfolder. Finally, I saved the dress as a Figure/Prop Asset in the People >>> CB Denim Dress subfolder.
That Save As created a data > CrissieB > CB Denim Dress > CB Denim Dress subfolder set, because I used the same name for the product and item. That second CB Denim Dress subfolder has the CB Denim Dress.DSON file for the dress, and two subfolder sets: Morphs > old_user_name > Base and UV Sets > old_user_name > Base. (It's not actually old_user_name, but it is the email-address-based user name DAZ originally gave me.)
The Morphs >> Base folder has the two Breast Bridger morphs that SickleYield's G3F Ultra Templates added to my rigging, plus two pJCMs that DAZ created last week when I mistakenly saved the dress on a posed figure, before I redid the rigging with SY's templates. The UV Sets >> Base folder has the default UV map.
(1) How can I get my old_user_name off those Morphs and UV Sets subfolders?
(2) Can I delete those two (now unused) pJCMs from the Morphs >> Base folder, or will that break something?
(3) Once I have the files zipped and in my Dropbox, in which DAZ forum should I post an invitation for product testers?
Thank you all for your help.
Yes, you can delete the unwanted morphs - in fact that's the onyl way to remove morphs, as far as I know. As for the ones you want but which are under the wrong name, try doing a fresh File>Save as>Support Assets>Moprh Asset to save them, then remove the folder with the wrong name and make sure the dress still loads correctly.
I think, though I haven't checked, that you would want to save presets after saving the assets - that way the preset will point to the correct thing.
Thank you, Richard!
Deleting the unwanted morphs caused no problems, and the fresh Save As>>MorphAssets fixed that issue. The data>>>Morphs folder now has CrissieB>CB Denim Dress Morphs subfolders, with only the two breast bridger morphs in that last folder. I closed DAZ and reopened the scene, and the dress loaded fine, with those morphs in place.
To replace the UV Sets subfolders, can I: (1) make a UV Sets > CrissieB > CB Denim Dress UVs folder set; (2) copy the default.DSON file from the current UV Sets > old_user_name > Base folder to the new UV Sets > CrissieB > CB Denim Dress UVs folder; then somehow (3) select that new default.DSON; and (4) delete the old_user_name > Base folder set?
If so ... ummm ... how do I do Step (3)?
Thanks again for all your help!
Sorry, I missed the UV set. That is a little trickier - I'm not sure there is a simple way to fix that. You would probably need to edit the .dsf file for the UVs after moving to correct the path (remembering that you need to use the same characters as you would for a URL -space, for example, becomes %20). The file will probably be compressed since that's the default option - you can unzip with a utility like 7Zip or using the Batch Convert pane in DS. Obviously work on a backup if you do this.
Hi Richard,
Which dsf file would that be?
The oen for the base UVs (other UV sets you could just resave)
Hi Richard,
In that file, would I change this ...
"id" : "/data/CrissieB/CB%20Denim%20Dress/CB%20Denim%20Dress/UV%20Sets/old_user_name/Base/default.dsf"
... to this ...
"id" : "/data/CrissieB/CB%20Denim%20Dress/CB%20Denim%20Dress/UV%20Sets/CrissieB/Base/default.dsf"
... and then copy that dsf file from here ...
data > CrissieB > CB Denim Dress > CB Denim Dress > UV Sets > old_user_name > Base
... to here?
data > CrissieB > CB Denim Dress > CB Denim Dress > UV Sets > CrissieB > Base
I just tried that, and the answer is a resounding ... Nope.
There is some other file that looks for data >>> UV Sets > old_user_name > Base
It may be the geometry file, or the scene file. But I get a File Not Found error if I try to load the scene without that default.dsf file in data >>> UV Sets > old_user_name > Base
It may be recorded in the main .dsf asset file, and editing that would be a pain. I'm pretty sure there is a trick to this, but I can't recall what it is.
Hi Richard,
I fixed it. Here was my workflow:
You now have a copy of your default UVs in the folder you want. You'll need to edit the main asset.dsf file, but first you need to make a copy and decompress the copy:
You now have an uncompressed copy of your main asset file, ready for editing:
You now have a compressed main asset file that references the UV Sets subfolder with your new user name. You still have the original, unedited main asset file, and the original UV Sets subfolder with your old_user_name, 'just in case'.
Your content library should now have a main asset file (e.g.: data >>> CB Denim Dress > CB Denim Dress.dsf ) that references the default UV file in your new folder (e.g.: data >>> CB Denim Dress > UV Sets > CrissieB > Base > default.dsf ).
Thank you all for your help, and I hope this workflow helps someone else!
I'm pretty sure I have the files set up and zipped for a standard DAZ install, so I have one question left ...
Which is the best forum to invite people to test products?
Thank you all for your help!
Is it going to be commercial, and if so is it going to be offered to DAZ? If it's a freebie or if you plan to offer it to Daz you can post in Art Studio (for freebies) or the Commons. Do bear in mind that if it's a commercial item at another store, from the outset or after ebing rejected by Daz, we would have to remove the thread as offsite-commercial (question/techncial threads like this one are fine).
Thank you, Richard!
I plan to offer it to DAZ, so I'll post a testing invitation at the Commons. Is it customary to handle testing by DM, or in a public thread?
I think people usually prefer to use PM, or email, rather than public posts.
Hi Richard,
I kinda hoped so, actually. Airing dirty linen and such....
Thanks again for all your help!