Daz 4.9 CMS connection problems

hi all,
Daz has worked fine for me for the last few years. A few months ago, I updated it on three separate machines. On all three machines, DAZ no longer works! First, I can't find CMS anywhere in my windows services.
I haven't modified firewall settings.
I haven't modified antivirus settings.
I hadn't changed anything. it hasn't worked for months, and I'd left the program to find a solution in other programs. but it would be amazing to get it to work again.
My main problem is that it takes aaaaages to load anything, even starting up. It jams on "Connecting to CMS".
Forget about doing anything with my smart content. Each click costs me minutes of waiting. I have a very fast internet connection so that's not the problem. I've tried everything. Clean re-installs over, and over, and over. Months apart. I turned off all my firewalls, anti-virus and malware softwares to no avail. I'm not really sure what's happened.
Please help.
The CMS connection does not use the Internet, so that is not relevant. Which version of DS are you using (Help>About Daz Studio)? Did tyou run DS as adminsitrator at any time (actually run as administrator, not just run from an adminsitrator account)? Are you (meant to be) using Valentina or PostgreSQL? Valentina runs as a service, PostgreSQL runs only when DS or DIM are running.