Recommended upgrade?

These are the current specs of my computer. While trying to run 33GB worth of content in DAZ, my system will eventually crash with an unknown error after just a few items loaded into a scene. Does anyone have any worthwhile suggestions for a reasonable upgrade and where to buy it?

545 x 216 - 8K
8GB of RAM isn't much - if your motherboard supports it adding more (or, if you are unlucky, replacing some of what you have with higher-capacity modules) would probably help.
have been reading on this subject myself. 8gb isn't much, as RH points out, but I can load and even render a scene on my laptop with on 2gb without crashing. so sounds like other issues. but that laptop has an nVidia graphics card, and much of my reading has led me to believe that is where the key lies. and with only an i5, you'll probably face an inadequate Power Supply to run the higher end graphics cards. i7's come with bigger supplies, although you could certainly upgrade an i5's PS to something above 400w minium. then for rendering look for the higher nVidia cards. here's a link to what some would consider the minimum level desired. note it has 4gb mem of its own.
or use this link for a comparison. then scroll down and click "CUDA-Enabled GeForce Products'
it's the number of 'CUDA cores' and memory that are apparently the key issues....or so I'm told. but this issue may not actually be the problem you're having just loading a session of Daz. ...and that's about what I know....