Rendering is impossible.

I recently purchased a new computer and had to download DAZ Studio all over again. While I still have the files for my previous works that I've done, DAZ 4.9 Pro has completely baffled me. I've tried everything I can think of to get my rendering to push forward and it takes hours upon hours of render time to do even the simplest scenes. What once took maybe 1 hour is now taking a frustrating amount of ridiculous time. What happened?

My Rig

GeForce GTX 970M

Driver versions 376.33

Intel Core i7


From what I understand I shouldn't have any trouble doing decent renders. What I've noticed is this:

In the Render Settings I have only 2 options: CPU and GeForce GTX 970, there is no option to select GPU where there once was. 

I've tried using OpTix and shifted between Speed and Memory rendering. Both result in defaulting to the CPU doing all of the render processing which, I have no idea why.

Does anyone have any advice whatsoever? If I could, I would just download a previous version of DAZ Studio but that seems impossible. I'm extremely frustrated because even my older machine had no problems doing Iray renders and this new one certainly shouldn't. Everything seems linked to this newer software.


  • The GTX 970 option is the GPU. You don't say how much RAM the GPU has access to - it sounds as if you are running out.

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    Try reinstalling your graphics driver? Looks like you have the latest version, but sounds like DAZ isn't talking to the card and you're dropping into CPU mode.

  • BaylienBaylien Posts: 30

    The GTX 970 has access to up to 3.5 GB of RAM that it can process efficiently and 0.5 MB left over where it trails behind a bit for a total of 4 GB RAM.

  • That's true of the full 970, I wasn't sure if it also applied to the 970M

  • DustRiderDustRider Posts: 2,800

    Since you have a 970M, I'm guessing you have a laptop? If so, the 970m comes in two versions, one with 3gb and one with 6gb. If you have the 3gb version, maybe your scenes are to big and dumping to cpu. I have the 6gb version, and it does extremely well, so it seems like something may be causing iray to render in cpu mode. Sorry, that's all I can think of, probably not a lot of help

  • PadonePadone Posts: 3,804
    edited January 2017

    Make a fresh startup of DS and look at the log file. Any issue DS detects with the gfx drivers will be reported there. This way you can know something more specific about your problem to report here and may be someone can help better.

    help > troubleshoothing > view log file


    Post edited by Padone on
  • ToborTobor Posts: 2,300
    Galbanos said:

    In the Render Settings I have only 2 options: CPU and GeForce GTX 970, there is no option to select GPU where there once was. 

    As Richard says, the 970 is the GPU option. 

    Be sure to install the latest driver. Leave OptiX off. It's not useful for most renders anyway. The instancing option can be left at Speed.

    As Padone suggests, to aid in troubleshooting, restart D|S (clears the log), and do a single render of a simple scene with only a sphere or box primitive. Post the result.

  • try 10bit driver updater. for all your drivers. its free

    its not the size of your ram, but the size of your graphics card ram that counts.

    why not get the free version of renderman. just type a search in your browser, (renderman)

    its much better than the standard render machine in daz, or there is luxrender(free) and reality (purchased.  my renders are great. using either of these.


    good luck


  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,466
    Tobor said:
    Galbanos said:

    In the Render Settings I have only 2 options: CPU and GeForce GTX 970, there is no option to select GPU where there once was. 

    As Richard says, the 970 is the GPU option. 

    Be sure to install the latest driver. Leave OptiX off. It's not useful for most renders anyway. The instancing option can be left at Speed.

    As Padone suggests, to aid in troubleshooting, restart D|S (clears the log), and do a single render of a simple scene with only a sphere or box primitive. Post the result.

    @Tobor Pardon.... "Leave OptiX off"?

    Explain, please?

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