How to tie in one morph to another in daz studio

Ok, so I have these hd wrinkle morphs for daz gen3 males. What I would like to do is tie in brow up, brow down, brow squeeze, etc to their corresponding wrinkle morph in Daz Studio.. I've never done this before in studio (this was easy to do in Poser), I've looked at how you create another morph, but that is not what I want to do. I want for example, to have brow up left (which goes from -100 to +100) to drive the hd wrinkle from 0 to 1 (or do I have to change this to percentage first)
thanks for the help!
Are these from a store pack?
Adding new links between existing morphs is a little trickier as they will be overwritten when the product that owns the link is updated. Also, since we can't create HD moprhs I'm not sure we could save a version with added links in the first place (that depends on how things are implemented in DS, I have not tried and don't know). What I would suggest doing is creating a new master control and linking all of the other morphs to that, rather than linking to one of the existing morphs as a controller, but I don't know if that would suit your needs.
Actually, it turned out to be rather simple to do.. just erc freeze the pose I wanted to add the wrinkles to, with the pose at full extension, adding the wrinkles at max, then save.. here's a short video of the test.. just moving the brows to add the wrinkles
My concern is that if you link two existing moprhs then the link belongs to, and iss aved with, one of them - that means any reinstallation of the one that is storing the link will delete it. The ERC is not stored as a separate file.
Hey Richard
Yah, i'll probably have to live with that.. I will have to refrain from updating anything while i work on is easy enough to recreate though..