new aniBlocks not showing

I have aniMate2 and I recently purchased "Expression and Face aniBlocks" for Victoria 4:
It seemed to install through the Install Manager. I made sure to install the DS version (not the Poser Version).
I'm looking through aniBlocks and I can't seem to find the new aniBlocks anywhere. I also looked in "Content Library" directories and they weren't there with other aniBlocks.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling product, but still no luck.
Any ideas on what I might be doing wrong and what I can do to access new aniBlocks? Thanks for any help..
They may have installed to the poser folder, have you looked there?
if you installed with DIM the easy way to find where the files are is to find the product in DIM under the installed tab. Right click on the arrow to the far right of the product and click show installed files.
In DIM, the files are showing as being located as in this example:
C:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library) :
But, they are nowhere to be found in the Library Directory.
I did finally find the aniBlocks in the "Products" directory. It's good that they re installed and available, although I'm not sure why they aren't in the aniBlock section or in the "Content Library" directory.
Do I maybe need to move the files to a different folder or should I just leave them alone and work from the "Products" folder only. Thanks for any suggestions.
Join the club..
I just posted in a thread the same problem with this, and lots of other ones.. Even showing a video with it
pkappetein - not the news I was hoping for, but thanks for sharing. I guess I'm fortunate I can access my installs, even if they aren't showing where they should be. Please let me know if you make any progress.
I am doing this for almost a year now..
even my ticket is i think alomst a year now and still not solved.
like you said
thery are here: C:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library) : /Content/aniBlocks/aniMatePlus/Emotions/Amazed.ds
and the connect downloads are in \data\cloud etc...
seems like connect is doing a better job, but it' also showing all the poser files.. idk how to hide those
I think DIM seems install those contents, subdirectory of "Content". , then you may find those aniblock, from "Content library", without "Content" (DS auto ignore "Content" named sub directory before I hered so, but I do not know, it stil lwork or not,, then usually we are recommend not install files under the "Content" it is somehow old package problem.. daz have used it as content root)
but Animate 2 may only find aniblock files which are installed under root /Aniblocks , (I do not know about DAZ connect)
you may need copy folda "aniBlocks" with sub directories, ( where all aniblock files are isntalled with each package names) then Paste it under the Root = C:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library. (this path change with each DIM setting install path)
see my pic, my root directory where DIM installe daz contents is "I:\myfile\dazstudio4\Mylibrary" then it is assgined as one of root content directory in daz studio.
then most of Aniblock should be installed under the "I:\myfile\dazstudio4\Mylibrary\aniBlocks" there is no "Content" in the path .
then check if,, those aniblock files will be shown in Animate . (Actually I had same issues before,, when ds up-date , then I needed to move directory ,
but nowdays most of DIM package seems installed correctly,, then about some old product still have problem )
@kitakoredaz - sorry for the delays in getting back. I don't think I got an email that post was made to topic.
Anyway, I see what you are saying. The aniBlocks I created this post about do have /content/ in their directory path.
I think I understand your instructions about copying and pasting them into the root/aniBlocks directory.
I am a little concerned about just copying and pasting these files though. Are they just files or are they programs also? Is there any other step I need to take other than just copying and pasting? Can I corrupt anything by merely copying and pasting?
I just didn't want to mess anything up more than it already is.
Thank you for any clarification.
You do not care about animate plug in (program) , just copy and paste those aniblock package foldas (which contain aniblock files), by your file exploler to under "(your root directory for daz contents)/Aniblock" directory.
then check if you can find them in content library and in animate2 aniblock viewer.
or you can make new sub directory, under "root/Aniblock", then set name as "test" folda, then copy and paste some aniblock files, ( pose.ds and pose.gfa )
"gfa" is aniblock, which actually record animation as aniblock, then "ds" is script which load the same name gfa in same directory. then you can add aniblock, by click the ds files.
and check if you can see them correctly, (In content library, and Animate2)
I believe, if you have found other aniblocks, in content lbirary, you must find those aniblocks in test folda too.
if it cause another problem, you just remove the " test directory"
(though you simply make duplicate aniblock files in your content directories, DIM can not un-install those files which you manually moved,, , then you need remove them by yourself when you need it.)
Then if you have still problem to find aniblock, maybe need SS which show your contentl library setting, and other aniblock are installed.