Rigging a Skirt

Hi all,
I've modeled a fairly simple denim dress in Blender, textured it in Substance Painter, imported it into DAZ, and rigged it with the Transfer Utility. It looks fine in the Null Pose, and the bodice rigging works well for standard poses and morphs. But I need help rigging the skirt. Specifically, it doesn't flow properly if she crosses her knees or ankles, and doesn't hang properly if she's sitting. This render illustrates both issues:
Because her knees are crossed, her left leg pokes through the dress' right leg and vice versa. The dress' left and right legs also poke through each other. As for sitting, the dress both floats above her thighs and pokes down through the bench.
(1) How do I modify the rigging so the skirt hangs properly if she's standing with her knees or ankles crossed?
(2) Will those same rigging fixes solve the problem if she's sitting with her knees or ankles crossed, or will sitting poses require separate cross-over fixes?
I know I'll need separate sit-rigging fixes so the skirt doesn't 'float' above her thighs or poke down through what she's sitting on.
I'm sure these questions have been addressed roughly 1.937 bazillion times, so please feel free to refer me to previous threads or existing tutorials.
Thank you for your help!
That's not soemthing you can do with the standard bones - the usual fixes are replacing the stnadard bones with body handles that can be adjusted to fit the pose (SickleYield has templates to help with that) or to use morphs, usually created in an application that will handle dynamic draping (the downside being that they will work well only with the specific pose they were made from). Good skrt draping is extremely hard to do.
Hi Richard,
Are these the SY templates you meant? If so, will it incorporate the appropriate handles into my rigging, or would users need to buy SY's templates to make my dress flow properly with legs-crossed and sitting poses?
Thank you for your help!
SY templates will add the required bones and handles to your item when you rog it, and users who use it would not need to own the templates.
Hi Leana,
Are SY's templates akin to a developer tool, then? I ask because I'd like to sell the dress at the DAZ store once it's ready, and I don't want to violate SY's copyrights.
Also, the product info on that seems to imply the templates are for converting older products to G3F. Will the templates also work to rig a new product that was made for G3F?
Thank you for your help!
The templates will work to rig a new product.
I don't know if they can be used as a merchant ressource though.
Yes, see the permissions section at the beginning of the manual http://docs.daz3d.com/lib/exe/fetch.php/public/read_me/index/22537/22537_syultratemplatesmanual.pdf
Thank you, Richard! It looks as if I'll need to re-run the Transfer Utility with one of those templates. Can I do that with the existing mesh, or will I need to delete-and-reimport? The latter isn't a problem, as I've saved the textures as a Materials Preset.
No, you don't need to reload the OBJ file.
As far as I know the handles should work fine with your morph. (Edited: it's early morning and I typed something I realize was pretty rude. Sorry.)
Thanks, SickleYield! I guess I'll find out.... :-)
SickleYield's template did the trick!
It took me a bit of duh-ing around, but they were all PEBKAC issues (Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair)....
Thank you so much to everyone for your help, and thank you SickleYield for that amazing product!
Now this I need to remember.