Reality Render breaks DAZ install

Hello everyone - I'm wondering if anyone else experienced this problem and found a solution.
After installing the latest version of DAZ studio on a new WIN10 x64 machine - Everything is working fine. Downloading, rendering, everything.
Then I install Reality render and now DAZ will not start. It gets to the loading splash screen then take a critical error.
In order to fix it, I have to uninstall DAZ studio AND ALSO going to the install folder and delete it because Reality Render drops a .dll file in it that does not get removed by uninstall. If you leave the .dll plugin file in place, then a fresh install of DAZ continues to take a critical error and crash.
I am ussing the x64 version of reality. Also, I have downloaded multiple instances of the Reality install software just to make sure that the file wasn't corrupted on download.
Any suggestions?
The only thing that worked for me was to rip out all traces of Reality. It digs intself pretty deep and scatters files everywhere, making it's removal a serious PITA. The author claims that one has to only delete the one Reality directory but he has clearly never tried to actually uninstall it. I fought with various versions of Reality in both Studio and Poser and found serious shortcomings in both. In the end I just knuckled under and used IRay. At least I got my money back from the author.