renders taking forever with Nvidia Geforce 830a, would external graphics card help?

I am a newbie to this but my renders are taking hours and hours. Even when i do a basic scene with default render settings now it seems to take much longer then just a couple of weeks ago and, as I mentioned in another pos0,t I am having issues with spot renders and render quality with scenes with many items. I know nothing about graphics cards but wondering if i should start learning to possibly get an external graphics card to speed up my renders. Can anyone offer some wisdom on this? And if so any suggestions on 'affordable' external graphics cards that might help with speed? thanks in advance for any assitance!
First of all, what kind of graphics card do you have? Since Iray is NVidia technology, it will only work on an NVidia card, and the whole scene must fit into the card's memory. If not, the render falls back to using your computer's main processor, which is much slower. This sounds like what's happening with you.
Another possibility, when did you last update your graphics card drivers? The new version of Iray that comes with the latest update of DAZ|Studio must have a recent driver version, otherwise the card can't be used to render.
NVIDIA GeForce 830A GPU specifications
Name / Brand / Architecture
Memory specifications
Cores / Texture
Electric characteristics
Video features
Other features / Support
Direct Compute 5.0
Editted - to remove the links in table
The card quite simply is NOT powerful enough.
Even ten times more powerful (not 380 CUDAs but 3800) than it is, it only has 1GB of RAM, and that is GDDR3 and not GDDR5.
Without knowing your CPU, it is impossible to say with any assurance, but that is likely to be faster.
thanks for your replies. On my render settings in Daz is shows the NVIDIA GeForce 830A so i was thinking DS was listing that as my graphics card but when I look in Device Manager (windows 10) it shows Intel HD Graphics 4600 and the NVIDIA GeForce 830A ... my processor is Intel Core i704785T CPU @ 2.20GHz. I bought this computer before I got into this. I am setting up scenes for a children's book project and a few of them do have a lot of items. thanks again