Install Problem that has me stumped

Hi Everyone. I purchased a new computer running WIN10 x64. It does have an NVidia 940MX and Seventh Gen i7 duel core processor. So basically, it can run DAZ.
This problem has me entirely stumped. I installed the latest version of DAZ via the Install Manager.
I own Bryce / Hexagon / Reality - and this problem is happening to all of them.
Basically, I downloaded the install files and when I double click them - I get the user control warning and then nothing.
No processes running in task manager. Nothing. No warning or error messages. Nothing in the Windows Event Logs.
I turned off firewall and anti-virus (only running win defender anyways)
I did the windows compatibility thing - and nothing.
I should also add that my DAZ studio seems to refuse to register itself - I was running the previous 4.9 version of DAZ on my old computer before and reached out to the helpdesk assuming it may be a license key issue.
Has anyone else experience this with a recent computer upgrade / swap-out situation?
I used to have this problem when they first added user control to windows. I think it was version 7. Sometimes it would take a while. It would be just as you described. And then all of the sudden it would install. Many programs did this. Not just those from DAZ.
Are you right clicking on the installer and picking "Run as Administrator"? I do this as a matter of habit anymore for programs that I have purchased. Otherwise you could have issues. NOTE: Just because you are using an Admin account, it doesn't have the same rights as using "Run as Administrator?
Are you sure you are telling the User Control that it's OK to installer? (Probably you are, but...)
If you are using DIM, did you install it with "Run as administrator? Maybe when you start DIM...right click and run it as adminstrator?
Are you trying to install to a protected area?
Maybe your user control setting is set too high.
I think on Windows 8 there was an update for a microsoft keyboard and mouse that wouldn't update and when I searched the internet I think I had to adjust the user control setting. I think they said it was too high. But it's been a while and I might not be remembering. If I did, have to lower the user control setting, I researched it first to make sure it was safe. I leave User Control turned on and I've had very little issue with Windows 8 or 10. But like I said I always use "Run as administrator to install products that I have purchased.
Thanks for the advice Kevin - it's much appreciated ...
This is what it turned out to be ... I tried re-installing everything to soon. As I have a new Windows computer - it didn't trust any executable I downloaded prior to it's major initial update. After enduring hours of the initial updates and patches, I downloaded fresh copies of the executables and I was able to work with them.
It was wierd thing - but I muddled through it. Now I have a new problem with Reality Render in which I will post a new thread if I do not see anyone else with the problem.