Godin's GDN Kelly for G3F

I really like this character, but she has one strange quirk: When her eyes are closed, her navel sticks out and forms a pointed hook shape. I'm wondering whether the custom "GDN Kelly EyeClosedL" and "GDN Kelly EyeClosedR" morphs somehow ended up including the navel vertices. I'm hoping that the product creator will see this and take a look. :)
Post edited by Periastron on
It looks like there's some bug with the character. You should open a ticket. It looks like a workaround until DAZ has a fix available is to turn off limits of the Navel morph and set it to 400% (Navel off) or 500% (Navel on) or set the GDN Kelly EyeClosedL and GDN Kelly EyeClosedR morphs to 0%.
Thanks! Unfortunately, the Kelly eye closure morphs are parameter controlled by the regular eye closure morphs--so the only way to keep them at 0% is to leave her eyes wide open. This is less than ideal. :) I will see about opening a ticket.
Hi Periastron,
I am so sorry for this. I am making the fix right now, Thank you for finding this. when it is fixed I make sure there will be an update coming soon.
Kind regards Valery aka Godin
Excellent; thank you!
-- Peri
I saw an update appear today, so I downloaded it, installed, and... the problem's still there. Just to be sure, I closed DAZ Studio, uninstalled the package, deleted the package, and downloaded and installed it again. Kelly's still sporting that weird outie when she closes her eyes.
Looking in the content directories, none of the morph files appear to have changed at all; the eye close morph .dsf files still have Dec. 3 timestamps.
I guess I'll wait some more. :)
I installed the update through DIM and it appears to have corrected the issue for me.
I installed through DIM when the update first appeared, with the results described above. I uninstalled again last night, deleted the package, and downloaded it again. Everything's fine now. I see that the eyelid morph files have recent timestamps now, so maybe there was a glitch in the initial update. Anyway, everything looks good now. Thanks, Valery!