spot render just a checker board image and final render issue

Hello - I am pretty new at this but suddenly having an issue when I try to spot render. All I get is a checker board image where i try to spot render. My final render also looks very poor. I wasn't having this problem a couple of days ago and haven't messed with the render settings as far as I know. Any suggestions for this newbie? Thanks
Poor how? I assume the area you are rendering should have content - have you perhaps turn Visible in Render off in the Parameters pane for the missing items?
I'm having the EXACT same problem but it is ONLY happening in IRAY. And, it also started happening last night. Prior to that I was having no issies with rendering in IRAY.
Hi Richard. There are a lot of items in this scene but they all seem to be on. When I try to render it, it starts but after a few hours the % is still at 0 - although it lists many 'iray iterations' and the clock is still tracking - I've left it to work by itself for several hours and over night and when I come back - the rendering image box with the % is gone - as if it finished but the render looks very very grainy like it was stopped early in the process.
Does it work if you take a balnk scene, create a new primitive (Create>New Primitive) and render that?
I tied a spot render on a primative in a new scene and I got the same checkerboard thing.
Do you have Depth of Field (DoF) turned on for your camera? I seem to recall that can sometimes trigger odd results.
In trying to fix this I deleted the camera and was just rendering from perspective view. I had the same problem both ways. I have the problem on old renders still where spot render worked a few days ago -arg....
ok now it works in a new scene and in previos scenes. I didnt change anything from when I was trying and it wasn't working but I will take it. thanks for your suggestions