V4.2 DAZ Studio install via DIM problems

Hello all,
I have been using Poser since P5, but when DAZ came out with G3 and did the whole IRay thing, I just had to move to DAZ studio, even though I find "posing" in Poser so much more intuitive. (and I'm still waiting for Pascal IRay support. Come on NVidia!!) My all time favorite character is based on V4.2 and I am trying to convert her to G3F. My current workflow is incredibly cumbersome, exporting my character as a raw OBJ from Poser to DAZ with all custom mat zones etc. I am trying to install V4.2 base (for starters) and my downloads section has 3 DIM files (v4.2 base, v4.2 base Studio CF, and 4.2 base Power Loader) but when DIM installs these I don't find V4 in my content library. (Wrong order maybe?) When I search the intalled file locations, they are all (except a few MATs and poses) in the default Poser file structure, not DAZ Studio's file structure. I have successfully intalled many G3 assets with no problems. Any suggestions? Let me know if you need any more info about my setup.
Which category are you looking in Poser Format or Daz Studio format? V4 is in the Poser format
That comment fixed my problem! Thank you.
Made a new Runtime directory in DAZ under Poser formats. IM installed to new Runtime. DONE! :) Works great.
And more good news, NVidia supports Pascal Iray now. Just have to make sure you're using the latest version of Daz Studio.