My DAZ Connect Library

So, what is the difference between the "My DAZ Connect Library" Folder and the "My DAZ Studio Library" Folder? I have both of these folders on a diiferent drive that the drive that Studio is installed on. I did maintain the diectory structure on that drive of the DAZ Connect Folder". F:/DAZ3D/MyDAZ Connect Library/Data/Cloud. Some of products wnem selected say that the files do not exist, but if I uninstall and then reinstall within Studio, the files are there. Also, some of my products will not "update"...Connect is just frozen. Any one have any ideas? I am running Studio version Pro Edition 64-bit Public Build within Windows 10 Pro.
The only real difference is that the "Connect" folder is the default location for installing content using Connect, the "Studio" folder is the default location for DIM. Note that the Connect folder is very much a "black box" — D|S installs files into it, but you must not try to install anything there manually, or using DIM, or save anything there from inside the D|S Content Library pane.
No idea what's happening with your "not installed here" problem; Connect does really weird stuff sometimes. One of the more common is refusing to detect that an item is already installed with DIM, and insisting on downloading and installing it again into the Connect folder. Maybe related to what's happening to you?
If you moved the Connect folder after installing then yes, you will need to reinstall (though DS should notice that the files match those on the server and not redownload). That's because the Content Management System uses absolute paths.
Actually, one of the advantages of Daz Connect over DIM is that it doesn't store absolute paths in the database. It can cache the previous location it found it but will fall back on searching through the data/cloud/1_(product id)/ in all of your mapped paths if it doesn't find it there.
So with Daz Connect installed content you should be able to move your content by logging out of connect, mapping your new cloud path, shutting down Daz Studio and moving data/cloud folder to the new location. Should work without any issues.
Oh, has it always done that? Early on I had to reinstall after not noticing that Connect was using the default path in Documents and moving the isntalled stuff to the new location after changing the setting. Edit: I am told it as been this way throughout 4.9.x, so obviously my experience was a glitch of some kind or an error on my part.