Steel Deck Plate material for DS 3+
Eustace Scrubb
Posts: 2,701
Here y'all go: a free material for DAZ|Studio to make nonskid deckplate out of nearly anything. Even works on clothes.
Cool. I can certainly make use of this.
That certainly jacks up the render time, but it looks incredible. Gave a car a polish in a test. The red tint adds a very realistic "sub-rust" effect, should be great on ageing spacecraft.
Nice one, Eustace!
Considering how much SF rendering I've been doing lately, I suspect I can make use of this somewhere... ;-)
Thank you!
Y'all are all welcome. It came of seeing lots of deck plate at work and thinking "I could do that with a weave node..."
Thank you.. this could come in handy.
All in deck-plate: here's an M2 muscleman (older morphs, by Blacksmith3D) made of and on the metal.
Thank you! Very cool image!!
Rather clueless here. I have DS 4.5. How do you use this material? I find it listed under Shader Presets - Mephistopolis Beta.
select figure/prop/object in your scene tab; select surface in your surfaces tab and double click on the shader.
Oh. I see. A shader sets the parameters for a surface much like a pose sets the parameters for a figure. Never understood shaders before. I'll have to play with some more of them.
hehe It made a 5 minute render into a 45 minute render :P